When a friend dies..

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Today I received some awfully sad news. One of my dear friends passed away very suddenly this morning. She had issues with her kidneys and liver and there was not much left that doctors could do for her. No one expected this and she was still very young.

I am very sad about this, but I know that she is in a much better place now. My heart goes out to her family and her kids. The kids are all grown up but it was still their mother and she will be dearly missed.

The saddest of all is not the fact that she died, but the way people reacted to her death. I was really shocked when I read the post on Facebook and the comments made everything far worse than it is.

Who are we as fellow human beings to judge her and the way she lived her life???

I don't have many friends, simply because I don't trust people. I am very cautious about who I invite into my personal space. I have learned my lesson far too many times to let any so called friend hurt me again. Perhaps I am wrong, but I will certainly rather struggle on my own than to struggle with someone who doesn't really care about me.

People are so easy to judge and they are so easy to point fingers to others instead of looking after their own issues.

What happened to compassion?

Why would people be so selfish to make something about themselves instead of giving a little respect. She was such an awesome person and so many people looked up to her, but already people are worried about her business.

We live in a very sad world where people do not really care for others anymore. What happened to a little bit of respect?

My friend, you will surely be missed by so many people. You left a light behind, and it will keep on shining!

May you rest in peace because YOU SURELY ARE IN A MUCH BETTER PLACE NOW!

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