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The boy next door- A short story with a deeper message for South Africans

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“Just because something changed doesn’t mean that it is going to be different” Martha said while she poured herself some tea.

“It most certain does! Something can’t change and still be the same.” Anna replied while staring out the window.

“I suppose, but the garden is still the same garden even though it looks different in summer.”

“Well I guess you’re right but, it’s just…. I don’t like change. I like things to stay the way they are.”

“You will just have to adapt to the situation, there is nothing more to be said.”

“I will really miss our talks at night, it feels like an era has passed….”

“Oh Anna you always have to be so dramatic! They just moved. They didn’t leave the planet. It’s not as if you’re not going to see him again. You can go and see him whenever you want!”

Anna gave Martha a sturdy look and then walked up to her bedroom. She was extremely upset. If no one can understand this, then it was their problem. She was sad and confused and she needed time to get to terms with the fact that she won’t see Jack as often as she did.

Jack and Anna met each other while they were still in diapers. They had been friends forever and they had a friendship that most people did not understand. It was more like a brother-sister kind of relationship. They loved each other dearly and hardly disagreed on anything. He was her best friend and understood her better than even her own sister did.

Every night, shortly after dinner Jack slipped out and climbed in through her window. They talked about their dreams and goals, and what they were going to do after they finished school.

Nothing would ever be the same again. All their dreams were shattered the day when Jack’s dad announced that he bought a new house, and they were moving.

Anna closed her window and fell down on her bed crying herself to sleep. Her life was over. She woke up startled when she heard a knock on the window.

She quickly slid the window open, and Jack climbed in.

“Why did you close the window? I nearly fell down!”

“Well I wasn’t expecting anyone. You moved…remember?”

“I moved Anna; I didn’t die. I found a shortcut to get here quickly, and we had plans so why would I not come?”

“Oh Jack, I am so happy to see you!”

It suddenly felt as if a large weight was lifted off her shoulders, and Anna knew everything was going to be just fine.

We as humans have the tendency to exaggerate things to a point of no return. We always expect the worst and then we have wasted so much time worrying about something that might not even happen.

While we as South Africans are all going through a very difficult time with the amount of load-shedding, we won’t let anything get us down. We make plans and we solve problems as they appear. We just adapt to situations very easily and even though it is irritating, and it is affecting our lives in a way that we can’t even describe, we know in the end everything will be solved and we will just continue with our lives.

BUT we also know that KARMA exists and that somewhere all this corruption and negativity will come to an end.

We still have more than most people in this country. Let’s just leave the situations that we change and start to work on solutions for things we can actually change.

If you see someone struggling without food, feed them. It is not going to make you poorer than you already are. Do the good you have to and little by little we can help make this country a better place!

Even though we are ALL going through tough times, in the end everything will work out just like it’s supposed to!

Have a great week!