Just let it go!

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The last two weeks has been extremely rough for me. First, my friend died and it absolutely broke my heart. Then a few days later, my husband collapsed and was taken to hospital via ambulance. I was absolutely frantic as I am 900 km away from him and couldn't get to where he was admitted to hospital.

After many tests and scans they finally came to the conclusion that he was on the wrong medication for blood pressure and his blood pressure was so low that it triggered seizures in his brain. Thankfully he is okay now and back to normal.

Then as Murphy's law works, his car broke down on the way to the airport to come home, and had to be towed in.

My anxiety levels were sky high. I had to take a step back. My brain wouldn't shut down and I kept on over-exaggerating everything.

It was then that I realized that whatever happens is not my fault, and I cannot do anything about it. Things have a ways of working itself out without my interference.

I am not in control. This was a very hard lesson to learn because it made me vulnerable and even though I can talk to others and calm them down and make them believe that everything will work out just fine, I cannot do this for myself.

I realized that some things are just not meant to work out the way we want it. Life has it's ups and downs, but even if we try and change things, we do not control the end result.

I had a choice between being anxious all the time or just sitting back and waiting for the result.

I have wasted so much time worrying and stressing about the smallest little things and eventually everything worked out exactly like they were supposed to.

Sometimes we just have to go back and take the time to connect with God. Our lives have been planned for us, and no amount of stress, anxiety or worry is going to change this. Even though we have a free will, we don't have any say in the outcome of anything.

Allow God to be in control, hand over the reigns and just sit back and wait. Do what you can to remedy a situation but realize that the end result is NOT in your hands.

May you have a lovely week! If you can be anything in the world, be kind!

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