A tiny speck in this magnificent universe

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Many nights before I go to bed I go stand outside on the deck for a little while just to look at the stars.

Millions of tiny little specks blinking away in the darkness. Even though I have no sense of direction and cannot use the stars for direction, I still find it very mesmerizing.

Just the awesomeness of the clear open sky, and millions of tiny little lights have a way of calming me. This beautiful scene makes me realize once again that I am just a little speck in this magnificent wonderful universe.

Somehow watching the stars makes me feel connected and grounded and makes me feel part of the big universe.

We are all connected in some way or the other. In some way WE as humans are all just little stars trying to shine in our own individual ways. Sometimes it becomes cloudy (when bad things happen) and we can't shine brightly but then the wind comes and blows away all the clouds and we can shine brightly again.

Some people shine quite naturally while others have to put in some effort to be seen. Don't let anything come in your way to shine. If you feel as if you can't shine brightly, just hold on and wait for the wind because whatever is preventing you from shining, is only a few temporary clouds.

May you shine brightly this week. Don't let a few little clouds dampen your glow.

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