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On the radio

Donna Summer's song has been running through my head since just before 3pm yesterday afternoon. It was a really, really hectic day which began with a 5am email from a prospective client. While I might look at email between 5 and 6 in the morning, on principle, no reply goes before 8. The tone of the mail also suggested I take a deep breath and begin setting boundaries. Email sent, I had a 9am meeting about the Winter Fair. For me, that's early and, I know, from past experience, there wouldn't be coffee. I needed my second cup and decided to go suitably armed. As I put the top on my insulated, reusable coffee beaker, it shot out of my hand and sprayed a lake of hot coffee over me, the kitchen counter and floor. I did a bad job of mopping up, made a third coffee and fled the scene of the crime (to clean up later.)

Our meeting was productive but a few things - over which we had no control - were still outstanding. Like the final approval of the liquor license. Like radio silence from one of the wineries. Like one of the wineries - a family business being potentially thin on the ground or not there at all - a death in the family. One of the stall holders breaking her foot. Like the kids who were going to do the kids' facepainting and play area, just not...and the weather gods.

I came home, via a friend, back in the village to pack up (more of that, anon), made a fourth cup of coffee and sat at my desk. There was email. From the liquor authority. A question. And an answer from a colleague. Then, another email:


Is the tide turning? I know the moon is waxing...

Then, I take to my phone to WhatsApp people who need to know, and notice an unknown number, typing....

Hi Fiona...

I carry on and then check back.

The upshot, an appointment for later that day.

Let's just say that this Queen song, and which an ex of mine loathed, was a useful and somewhat prophetic interlude.

The appointed time arrived. Suddenly, I was on the radio. Talking about the event that's occupied most of my waking and sleeping brain for the last two or so months.

Have a listen to me...

It's not the first time I have been on the radio (or television for that matter), but it has been a while. As much as one prepares, one isn't. Anyhow, five minutes on the radio for our little village is a big bit of exposure. To say that we were thrilled, is an understatement. And to be sent a link to the podcast, a fantastic surprise.


As I said, and since that interview, I have had Donna Summer as an ear worm. It also got me thinking about other songs - either about the radio, or with "radio" in the artists' names. It also dawned on me that today's Tuesday and I have been threatening to join @tengolotodo and @coquicoin as they participate in @ablaze's three tune Tuesday #ttt. This is my first, cheeky contribution.

So, my final selection of a song from my school years: a South African band, the Radio Rats, with the only song I ever heard of theirs.

I heard it - yes, on the radio - on Sunday, and even 43 years later, sang every word along with it as I worked in the kitchen.

Not that I can claim to be a radio rat!

PS wonderful that @zo3d reached out and asked,

Was that you I heard on the radio...?

Until next time, be well
The Sandbag House
McGregor, South Africa

Photo: Selma
Post script
If this post might seem familiar, it's because I'm doing two things:

  • re-vamping old recipes. As I do this, I am adding them in a file format that you can download and print. If you download recipes, buy me a coffee. Or better yet, a glass of wine....?
  • and "re-capturing" nearly two years' worth of posts.
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  • lastly, graphics are created using partly my own photographs, images available freely available on and Canva.