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Three photo Thursday - Getting Ahead

Now that is a bouquet garni. Fresh fennel, celery, bay, oreganum, marjoram and, of course, parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme. All wrapped up in a leek. That is how the day began: picking those to make chicken stock ahead of making soup today. The weather is turning miserable. Again. So it's soup for Saturday's market. Which, hopefully won't be rained out.

Next up, koeksisters. This is the final stage in the production line. Koeksisters for Saturday's market. I did them yesterday because with making sourdough breads and rolls for the market, as well as the other bits, two things: my kitchen isn't big enough and because bread (and mother, in particular), are unpredictable, I get can into a time crunch. Rather not. For everyone's sake.

Last, and by no means, least:

Our strawberries are really bearing this year: even sharing with the beasties we are happily enjoying them. Some, I am storing in a jar for an indulgent and rare dessert this weekend.

Those that had to be doctored, deliciously went into last night's salad. Unless you didn't know, strawberries with sweet basil and balsamic vinegar are a great salad combination. The basil is coming along, so expect basil to feature soon. It's been a while. I can't wait!

Until next time, be well
The Sandbag House
McGregor, South Africa

Photo: Selma

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