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I can Remember as a teenager going with my mom to garage sales and finding some real treasures.
An old shelf or cabinet, she would Remind me, how easily it would be to just Repaint, add some decals or some such thing, to create a new piece. We would look for glassware, silverware, pitchers and old jars, things we could Reuse in our home or give as gifts.

One time I found a whole box of odd ball stemware, just $2 for the entire box, I turned them into candles for Christmas gifts, they were a big hit.

On our homestead, nothing gets wasted. We have Reclaimed wood from old picnic tables and barns.
The dead trees in our forest are turned into heat and NOT in a forest fire but a wood burning stove. It's important to manage the woods around us. Too much dead wood on the forest floor has the potential to burn.


As my title suggests "The Rs have it"...5 so far.

Let's talk Recycle.

For many years now we have recycled all our bottles and cans. We have taken all our kitchen waste: fruit and vegetable peels, seeds etc. as well as coffee grounds, egg shells anything organic really and turned it out into the compost pile. Within one grow season that compost will turn into the richest soil you can imagine, plus the worms love it, so we can always find some bait for fishing.


The last few years I have been looking for new ways to eliminate the use of plastic. I found a place nearby that sells milk in glass, Refillable jugs. It Reminds me of my childhood when we had a milkman deliver milk right to our doorstep, all in glass bottles.


Living in the mountains of Upstate New York, we have to separate all our Recylables as well as bag our real garbage and take it to the county dump. There you will find a place for everything. Every bin is well marked for glass, aluminum cans, newspaper, cardboard boxes, batteries and electronics. TRASH IS CLEARLY MARKED.

The same is true on the farm.


@thebigsweed knows how to build and has Repurposed many things over the years. For instance, these old glass doors have been sitting here for years with the thought of someday building a greenhouse, that may be coming soon, I hope.🤞


Never leave home without them.

Always having water on hand is a must for me. Whether I am traveling to another state or just exploring nature, I have my trusty Refillabnle water bottles with me.


But if my bottles run dry before I can get a Refill, the only water I will buy must be in a Recyclable bottle. Notice the 5 cent Refund, incentive to Return to Recycle.


Let's wRap this up, shall we?

16 Rs in all, oh heck, make that 17, the wRap counts too!

Yup, the Rs have it.



Thanks to the folks in #silverbloggers community, we all benefit from this Blog of the Month, Reminds us how important it is not to waste, to find new ways to Renew our commitment to keep our world clean and to allow mother nature the chance to Replenish and Refresh the planet.

4 more Rs 😄

My dear friend @lizelle, thank you in advance for dropping my link in discord. Thanks to @fionasfavourites for offering the same kindness.

Peace and Love,
Jackie O'Silver