NAUGHTY LADYBUGS***SilverPrompts #bom

Hello to all #silverbloggers from around the world.

Mother, @hive-106316 , has provided us with a lovely suggestion which I am about to share with all of you.

What makes you smile?

For myself, a single answer hit the top of the list of things that make me smile. But while combing my picture archives I realized there were tons of things that make me smile.

For example, I loved catching these ladybugs messing around mating in my rose garden. I don't think they are all ladies, what do you call a male ladybug? Beats me, but I smiled anyway.


This black capped chickadee spent the night on my front porch, all fluffed up and sound asleep when I went out with my morning coffee. I thought he was frozen, dead, but I petted him with my thumb and he opened his black eyes.
@thebigsweed cupped him in his big hands to warm him up a bit, it had been a really cold night. Next thing we knew, our little guest was ready to fly.




One of my hobbies is growing flowers, I just love to watch one tiny sunflower seed grow into a mammoth flower with a stalk so thick you need a chainsaw ,small ax, a large snip to cut it down.


I smile constantly when I take my morning stroll through the gardens, the beauty and colors surround me with a sense of peace and joy.

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Growing our own food always makes me happy and hungry, but what makes me smile, is when I am preparing a post for a #hive publication, sometimes it's a serious topic but mostly I hope to make others SMILE.


As many of you know, I am a mother of four, with seven soon to be eight grandchildren. Just the thought of being with all of them makes me smile. I am always planning the next visit with some of them or all at once. Makes me proud and excited that they really enjoy spending time on our farm. There's never a shortage of things to smile about.

Cupcake thief caught red handed


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After celebrating my 69th birthday in September, I am truly a #silverblogger. Most of you know me as "Jackie O'Silver" in this community, but it's just Jackie O with my closest cohorts. That makes me laugh, not just smile. There's a back story to the creation of my altered ego. Jackie O was a nickname of mine long before #hive or #crypto came into my world. But that's another story, one that I will probably never tell, you know the saying: a good girl goes to heaven, but a bad girl goes everywhere. Hummm?

I'm smiling, are you?

A big shout out to my friend @lizzelle for heading up the silver blogger's community. To you and your entire team, thanks for all you do to keep this space fun and moving forward.


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