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Silver bloggers BOW - has the pandemic change your future plans?

Yes! It did Change my plans.

Going through what the Pandemic did to me, at times it makes me cry bitterly, I could not ever believe that a certain Incident could bring my downfall in such a way that it seems hard for me to get up, pandemic is Indeed an early life criminal.

The so call pandemic Change my plans for the future through the following ways:
By stopping me from going to work, during the era of pandemic work were performed through homes, life were difficult as it makes the company I was working asked me and most of my co-workers to resign, life became a living heal.

The Pandemic stop me from traveling, which is what I admire most, I was unable to make my travels during this period and it give me bad feelings as travelling was not made easily, people could not move from place to place, like me I was stock in the house.

The pandemic also keep me from visiting my mom and siblings: I always visit my family each times I feel like seeing them, but the pandemic makes it hard for me to be seeing them whenever I wanted to, now it brought a division in my life and the life of my family members, making me to be lonely and not being able to see each other's.

Another aspect that it change my plans was that, the kind of dishes I want to be eating was not made available anymore, as I could not go to market and get food stuffs as when needed, i were unable to go to market, as Market hours were spelt, yet making items in the market costly and demanding.