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Sometimes tough love is the answer

Tough love may be tough to give, but it is a necessity of life and assurance of positive growth - T.F Hodge


Hello Silvery souls and Hivian friends!

It's been a month since I was last here in Hive. Life outside the metaverse has been so friendly to me that I've been busy with life challenges and fun.

The past month was like a roller coaster ride with lots of drops way way down below that made me realize that life really has its own way of teaching us a lesson, ways of making us stronger and tougher. It has its own way of making our life colorful. It has its own way to make us move and dream.

It doesn't let you stay stagnant. It doesn't allow you to get bored. It doesn't allow you to do nothing with it especially when you thought that you don't have any more reason to live.

Life will keep on reminding us that ourself should be the only reason why we live, why we exist, the reason why we should be happy. The reason why we work hard. Life will keep on reminding us that our first priority should be ourselves.

Selfish? Nope it is not being selfish. It only mean that you have to keep yourself whole if you want to help or love the people around you. Remember you cannot give what you do not have, so you have to make sure that you are whole, that you have enough to give and enough to keep for yourself. You have to think of yourself first before anyone else.


Whether it is financial or emotional help that you will give to others, you need to have full storage to be able to do that. Just like you cannot give a glass of water if you don't have it.

And in the process of giving, of supporting others, don't exhaust yourself just because they are depending on you. Don't lose yourself in the process of helping the people you love or else even you will struggle. And it's hard to bounce back when you are exhausted.

Remember, you are only helping, it is not your responsibility to support them all the way. You have to think of yourself first before you think of them because one day, you will realize that the people you care about, the people that you supported don't think of your welfare, and don't even remember to ask how are you doing. Doesn't even care if you've eaten already or not. All they can think about is the support that you're giving them.

Sad but it's the reality, there are some people who only think of themselves, of what they can get from you. They even forget to appreciate the things that you did for them.


Why do I say this?

Because that is what I've learned this past month. I forgot to think about myself. All that I've ever thought during that time was to help, to support the person that is depending on me. I forgot that I can only give what I have. I exhausted myself finding ways to provide just because I don't have it too.

The worst part is it's hard to bounce back, and slowly because you are exhausted you are starting to have hatred in your heart. But don't ever let that hatred stay in you, because it will only make you worst.

There are people that need tough love and if that is what they need don't hesitate to give them that kind of love, because sometimes that is the only way you can really help them. Because sometimes, tough love teaches them to stand on their own. Because sometimes, tough love teaches them to appreciate what they have.



And if you've come this far... I hope that I was able to entertain you and made you smile... and for that Thank you.

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“Fall in love with taking care of yourself. Fall in love with the path of deep healing. Fall in love with becoming the best version of yourself but with patience, with compassion, and respect to your own journey.” —S. McNutt