Life in the Spaces in Between...

What is this thing called "life" that we're all trying to navigate?

It has been a very peaceful couple of days, and I could not have asked for a better birthday "present" than that. On my birthday, we sat on a beach and watched birds at water's edge and ships pass by on the sound... and I realized that life is perhaps less about what we are constantly doing and embroiled in on a daily basis than it's about what happens in the spaces in between...


Maybe that sounds a bit too woo-woo for some, but consider this: How many of our greatest moments and experiences are not the carefully orchestrated dance of daily life, but the unexpected moments that happen in between?

We sat on that beach — at the tip of a fairly remote and difficult to access island — by choice, but part of what "made" the day included an unexpected visit by an osprey, which came by and circled overhead for a couple of minutes, coming quite close to our spot as it inspected what we were doing on its beach.

Then again, maybe there really is no "planned" time in between. That is to say, we're never actually going to be finished with those things we think we're going to get finished with "so that we'll have more time" to do the things in between. We keep working and working, and all we can do is be grateful for the 5-minute spots we can grab here and there. But we can't plan them, like that osprey's visit.

The Marine Science Research Station at the end of Marrowstone Island, WA

Meanwhile, it has gotten to be the first of September.

I'm always slightly baffled by the passage of time. It seems like I was just meaning to do something important, but when I look down again a week has passed. Sometimes a whole month has passed.

I'm not sure where that time goes although some purely logical part of me can sit down and say "yeah well, that went by with the yard work and doing accounting and cleaning the house and spraying wasp nests and weeding in the garden."

And so, we only have four months left, in 2022!

Seems like I "should be" taking a look at the month that was and setting goals for the month ahead, but for now I am just enjoying the stillness.


It's Labor Day weekend, here in the USA... and that means very little is actually going to happen until next Tuesday, so I'm just going to chill.

Thanks for stopping by and have a great weekend!

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