The Old Man and The Sea


I've seen some amazing things in my lifetime as a Fisherman and nothing humbles me more now than ever is my race against Time. Time comes for all of us. As I was walking the Beach this morning getting my daily exercise I came across this older fisherman who was just holding a net staring at the surf. I was speechless. I saw myself 20 years into the future. I became addicted to throwing fish nets back home in Texas when I was a little boy. I knew then that I would be throwing a fishing net for the rest of my life. I watched this man for more than 30 minutes as he just patiently stared at the surf looking for food.

I'm guessing one of his favorite all time things to eat like mine is fresh fish. In 30 minutes he never made one cast so I walked up to him from behind and reached into my pocket and grabbed $10 dollars and said, " Excuse me Sir, I think you dropped this on the beach behind you ". He acting extremely shocked and humbled as I handed him the $10 dollars. I said to have a nice day and continued my walk.

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