RE: Jiffy Pop ! A Blast From The Past

These are a lot of fun to use and I haven't used one in many years. I always remember have a fun time shaking it around and watching it grow in size.

I do something similar with a pot with a lid, oil and popping kernels. There's a little trick to getting the temperature right for the oil so that you can get all the kernels popping at the same rate. That's the real key. You still get the shake it on the stove top too 😀

Then there are the toppings. I still go with the tried and true one, salt and butter.

I hear there are so many different toppings you can put on it. I tried a cheese one at that theater but never at home. I'll need to look into this, I bet there are some crazy combinations.

Now all you need is a good movie or show to watch. Have fun.

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