United States Silver Wartime Nickels and Pepper’s Orchid


What DO We Have Here ..

For starters, we have an orchid, ready to pop those flower buds open. And I can’t wait for peppers sympathy orchid to bloom!
On the other hand… We have a set of 11 United States war time silver nickels. These nickels were composed of 56% copper, 35%, silver and 9% Maganese. It’s really the silver I was after. Although the word time nickels are cool, these are in circulated condition and showing somewhere. Really purchased them for the silver content at this point.


I’ll do some quick math, so don’t hold me exactly accountable, but each coin weighs 5 g times 35% equals approximately 1.75 g of silver. Depending on the market timing, that could be anywhere between $1.25 and $1.50 worth of silver. Again, the market fluctuates rapidly, so that amount goes up and down by the minute. So we’ll say $1.25 times 11 coins equals approximately $13.75. At the thrift store I went to the gentleman had them marked at $20. Well today red tags were 20% off! That brings my total to $16 bucks. Not too bad I don’t think. A little over spot but I’m OK with that. It’s within my purchase range.


Take a look at those those orchid buds. They are almost the size of these nickels. I don’t know whether or not they stack as well though… Lol. But they are definitely worth their visual value. I really can’t make a good comparison between the nickels and the flowers other than size.


You can’t have my orchid…


But you can have your own wartime nickel…

**Heck, they made millions and millions and millions of them. You may even run across a couple in your change. If you’re not careful you could put it in the jar with the rest of your loose change. Keep an eye out for dark colored nickels! If you have one, you may be lucky enough to have a silver wartime nickel.

Happy hunting!

I will let you know when the orchid blooms

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