Orchid Update! - A Sublime Sunday - Orchids, No Sun, and No Molly


It's Definitely A Sublime Sunday ..

As the rain is again gently falling outside .. Inside it's warm and cozy. I just got done making my morning coffee and took a few minutes to appreciate the changes the orchids have been making all week. Now that I have absorbed all that they have been doing or not doing, I am in my office/art room, typing away at this keyboard and listening to a little classical music. My choice in listening enjoyment most certainly matches my current mood. But I am going to try not to focus on that and instead draw attention to our delightful Orchid plants.


The Cattleya Orchid ..

Jewel Box .. This is our only Cattleya orchid, for now. One day we will grow our Cattleya family, but for right now, I want to learn a little more about this type before buying more and more. Last time I left you, she was starting to push out a new flower bud, through the flower sheath that sits at the top of a pseudobulb. The pseudobulb is roughly a year old and that is just about the time they need to develop and mature in preparation to bloom. For our area the blooming season is now, February, March and sometimes April.

This was 7 days ago..


And now this one I took this morning ..


The Bud Is On The Move! .. It has pushed it's way totally through the flower sheath and now I can clearly see the stem of the flower bud. I also notice that the flower bud is already starting to show a little hint of pink/red color. So exciting! And that flower sheath, that was once there to protect the developing bud, is beginning to dry up and wither away. What once was needed is need no more.. A little sad to think about, but such is life I suppose.

I expect to see some real fast paced growing in the next few weeks. Eventually the flower bud we see here, will split and divide into multiple flower buds. I am thinking 3 flowers. The bloom stem should grow to a length equivalent to the height of the pseudobulb; 3 to 4 inches (9 or 10 cm).

I have decided to keep this Orchid Update short and sweet.. After all, on a Sublime Sunday such as this one, I can't think of anything better to do than to go mess around with the other orchids. We purchased a few more Phalaenopsis orchids a little while back, right after Molly passed away. We needed them and their flowers at that time, as a way to brighten up our home.. filled with grief. But I'll save that stuff for another post. This week I will write about them.. I promise.

For Now, Enjoy YOUR Sublime Sunday ..

I Hope Yours Is A Sunny One, Unlike Mine ..:(


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Everyone Deserves A Little Sun On Their Face ..

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“What did you call her?" she asks but I don't think it's her real question.
"Sunshine," I say, and she smiles like she believes it's perfect and she may be the only person other than me who would think so.
"What is she to you?" she whispers. The real question and I know the answer even if I don't know how to say it.
Drew's muffled voice rises up from the floor before I can respond.
"Family," he says.
And he's right.”

― Katja Millay

Let The Raindrops Fall

Poem By BDMiller

In the warmth of sunshine on Molly's face,
We found solace, a familiar embrace.
Her gaze, like amber, in the golden glow,
A cherished companion, our hearts did know.

But alas, time's river, it flows so fast,
Leaving behind memories that forever last.
The winds of change swept her away,
Leaving our hearts in a somber gray.

Raindrops fall upon our weary souls,
A symphony of tears as sorrow takes its toll.
In the echoes of laughter that once filled the air,
We find only silence, an unanswered prayer.

Molly, the faithful, where have you gone?
In the quietude, we mourn at dawn.
Yet, in the rustle of leaves and the soft winds that sigh,
We feel your spirit, a presence nearby.

So, let the raindrops fall, a lament from above,
As we cherish the sunshine of a canine love.
In the dance of memories, under skies so vast,
Molly, our friend, in our hearts, you'll forever last.

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Thank you for swinging by my blog and checking out the post. Have a great day!

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All words, pictures and art pieces are the sole property of B D Miller Gallery, unless otherwise noted and credited, and are not to be reproduced or copied without the prior written consent of B D Miller Gallery.

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