It's Bath Time Molly .. Sorry It Has To Be Done

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Oh The Dreaded Bath..

But they have to be had, otherwise we would have a stinky dog on our hands… The dreaded bath time came once more. And we thought we could fool her this time, but to our surprise, we did not. She knew exactly what was happening as she approached the bathroom door and peered inward. She heard the gentle sound of water running, then caught a glimpse of the bath soap being removed from the cabinet...
That was all it took, and she was gone like the wind!

There Was A Chase ..

And we prevailed.. She was no match for our long legs and speed, our agility and ability, our lightning quick thinking, and our action to her reaction! Ha ha ha. All joking aside that dog can run when she wants to. She was quick to make her way downstairs from the second floor of our home. We should have seen it coming and shut the bedroom door, but oh well. We eventually caught up to her and lured her (carried her) back up to the bedroom where the water was was warm, and the soap was ready to remove the 'stinkyness'.

And so came the "How did I get here" look..


A few final grunts and moans and the water began soaking her small body. It doesn’t take much to thoroughly wet a 7 pound dog. She doesn’t mind having her body wet but when it comes to her head, she doesn’t like it one bit. I think you could probably see it in the look on her face. A look of sadness, look of disgust, a look of “Why the hell me.”
We simply apologize and tell her it needs to be done.


It doesn’t take long and she’s all cleaned up.. Now it’s time for the drying. Oh yeah .. She doesn’t like this either. Lol. She’ll suffer through it though, like the little champion she is.


She’s really good at turning her head this way and that, to avoid the warm stream of air blowing into her face. Any other time she enjoys wind in her face, but when it comes to the hair dryer, it’s a No-No-No!


Soon enough the back half is done.. It doesn't take all that long due to her very thin hair. It’s unfortunate that hair loss is a side effect of the high dose of prednisolone (Steroids) that she is on for her Addison’s Disease. The bright side of it is that she dries very quickly when wet. It’s her head that takes forever to dry. I’ve never seen a dog with such thick hair on her face and ears. So thick I have to thin it out occasionally.


After about 10 or 15 minutes that’s dry as well, and we are ready for our puppy photos! If she would let me take one. She’s so good at turning her head and looking away. She’s an uncooperative little dog I’ll tell you! Hehehe


"You Want The Picture? I'll Give You The Picture!"
Yes I would like one good photo Molly..



"There. Are You Happy Now Daddy?"
I suppose that'll have to do..
"I Need To Pee-Pee Now Thank You."


Well that’s it. She survived another bath .. And as soon as the bedroom door open, she darted downstairs. I know what this means, we’ve been through it before. I need to get her outside so she can go to the bathroom as quick as possible. A warm bath can sometimes do that to you. Lol.


Again, I try to capture a couple of glamour shots after she’s all cleaned up. She doesn’t want any parts of it. Turning her head and keeping her tail down is a typical Molly trademark when the camera is out and ready.


I managed to get an OK shot, but she’s got one thing on her mind and it’s not posing for photographs.

She wanted her cookie!

Of course she did. And I did not deny her one.


Next stop, her blankie for a nice post bath nap..

A bath takes a lot out of you especially when you’re a senior dog. She just doesn’t have the energy like she used to.


22 Days To Go ..

Until Molly Is 15!!!

I can’t believe how time has flown by.. 15 years! It's hard to imagine and also pretty incredible for a dog with so many problems. But she’s a survivor and a fighter. There were a few times in the near past where I thought she was getting close to joining her brother on the other side of the rainbow bridge, but she always fights through it to live another day.
Just when we have her down and out, she turns a corner and looks like a puppy again. God bless her!

Molly Says Be Well ..

Stay Safe ..

And Watch Out For Bath Time!

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“There must be quite a few things a hot bath won’t cure, but I don’t know many of them. Whenever I’m sad I’m going to die, or so nervous I can’t sleep, or in love with somebody I won’t be seeing for a week, I slump down just so far and then I say: 'I’ll go take a hot bath...
I remember the ceiling over every bathtub I’ve stretched out in. I remember the texture of the ceilings and the cracks and the colors and the damp spots and the light fixtures. I remember the tubs, too: the antique griffin-legged tubs, and the modern coffin-shaped tubs, and the fancy pink marble tubs overlooking indoor lily ponds, and I remember the shapes and sizes of the water taps and the different sorts of soap holders.
I never feel so much myself as when I’m in a hot bath.”
― Sylvia Plath, The Bell Jar

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Thank you for swinging by my blog and checking out the post. Have a great day!

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All words, pictures and art pieces are the sole property of B D Miller Gallery, unless otherwise noted and credited, and are not to be reproduced or copied without the prior written consent of B D Miller Gallery.

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