A happy holiday, caring and loving parents

Parenting is total joy intermixed with ups and downs as kids grow up, it is full of unconditional love, nurturing and challenges. Happy coming off age celebrations mark the kids reaching independence and stepping out into the big world as parents wave them off.

But, for some mums and dads child raising keeps going. Generally, this is because their kids were born with disabilities so significant, that it interferes with their ability to reach the stage of personal independence. For a small percentage of parents they are forever giving and caring for their kids long into adulthood. From my observations, it is all done happily and with selfless unconditional love. They are the parents who chose with the best of intentions not to put their grown up kids into care.

There is no celebratory birthday milestone marking their kids' entries into adulthood and independence. Instead, the parents quietly keep caring for their kids during their silver retirement years.
They live quietly under the radar away from the busy everyday world, seeing them now and then at the shops walking with their adult kids or pushing a wheelchairs.

Yesterday I saw an empty wheelchair on the beach. Having worked with parents of children with disability in my job in schools I must confess I went for a closer look, it was a happy sight.


Standing in front of the wheelchair I saw three heads bobbing in the water. I presumed it was a mum and dad with a child, teenager or adult with a disability enjoying an ocean dip. Maybe, they were holidaying at one of the resorts or perhaps they live nearby on the Sunshine Coast. So glad they were enjoying themselves.


Very shortly afterwards I saw them come out of the ocean and head up a beach exit. The adult aged daughter was able to walk with a little help from her mum as dad pulled the chair along behind him. Here is a photo of the little family taken very surreptitiously of course.


Unexpected sightings is the beauty of this not very populated surf beach. Maybe, I will get to see them on the beach again and have a chance to say hello. In the meantime I wish them a happy Christmas season.


Thank you @joanstewart for these wise words, they sprang to my mind.....

Enjoy the little ones they bring the life back into putting up decorations and essence of Christmas excitement.

........ when I saw the highly delightful and very creative 3 year old sitting on the floor with this very joyous Christmas look on his head. He loves dressing up!



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