The wall that fell



Something I will always be grateful to my mother, is to have raised me in a way that taught me to think, I was never allowed to study something by heart or as we say in my country al caletre (I am from Venezuela) my mother said that first study that way, it was not appropriate, because many times I learned something I did not understand, plus if I forgot a word will be in trouble, so my she sat with me expected me to read several times the text to study and asked me What did you understand? She always made me see beyond, she taught me to think and analyze.

Now, studying that way, helped me to be critical and analytical, and although in youth one tends to be aware of stupid things, something remains and more if your parents call you and encourage you to watch the news and world events and encourage you to think and analyze the national and world panorama.



I was barely 15 years old in 1989, but I had heard a lot about the Berlin Wall, a wall that after the Second World War divided a country in two, Germany, leaving on one side the Federal Republic of Germany and on the other the German Democratic Republic, on one side were capitalists and on the other communists, but this was not what made more noise, what made more noise, for me at that young age, was that families were divided because they could not pass the wall to see each other, that was horrible for me, plus there was a cold war, what was that?

As a good youngster, although it was not my main concern, I asked myself, "What is this cold war? So my mother, besides explaining it to me, invited me to watch a very famous international news program that was broadcasted on Venezuelan television and so I was not only learning, but also understanding some things about the world panorama and why this wall, although it was not so high, barely 4.2 meters high, not only represented the world's security, 2 meters, not only represented the separation of families, ideologies and Europe, it was the symbol of a bipolar world in which two powers, the United States and the Soviet Union, were the poles of influence and I remember that there was a constant tension that a third world war could break out.



Asia, although I was 15 years old, when I heard on the news that the Berlin Wall had fallen and saw the images of the Germans tearing down the wall, I felt happy and celebrated as if I was the one who lived that of being separated from family and loved ones, because I saw in that fall the reunification of families and a separated country and also that it was a precedent of the disappearance of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War.

Now that I am 48 years old and with many gray hairs in my hair, I believe that the end of the Cold War was not so much and there is only another strategy or way of doing things, because I continue to see a confrontation that now involves more countries but there is always a struggle for various reasons or interests.



So, almost 33 years have passed since the fall of the Berlin Wall and the world continues to change, sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse, because I see with concern how we treat the planet, those of us who are older may be leaving soon, but there are our children, grandchildren and future generations, what will be left for them? That is my question.

Thank you for reading.png

Finally, these lines have been my participation in the Blog of the Month of the Silver Blogger community, I hope these lines encourage you to leave me your impressions, about this historical event, maybe where you were, what you thought when you heard about this news, how you see it now that more than 30 years have passed since the event, in short whatever you want to express in the comments box.


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