🌻Gazania rigens

Hello to all my hive friends hope you all are doing great and having fun in your life and enjoying a lot with your family members.

Gazania is a flowering plant, it is also called treasure plant. It is a native flowering plant of South Africa. You can grow it without any problem there. But in India it is grown as an ornamental plant. Gazania is a sun loving plant. It needs 7 to 8 hours of direct sunlight to grow well. I planted the seeds of this plant five months ago. And now after 5 months, by taking good care of them, I have got very good flowers and plant growth from them. This plant closes its petals at night and blooms again with the sunlight in the morning.It does not require any kind of soil to grow, so it does not require any kind of fertilizer to grow it. To grow it, only low quality soil with less organic matter is required. Gazania plants do not get infested with insects very easily, so to protect it from ants, Neem oil should be sprayed once a month. I grow other flowers like Gazania and I will update you about that in my next post.

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