Larry Is Alive Contest : Day 52

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Hello Everyone 😊

Welcome to my participation in Larry is alive task day 52.

Before we face completing Larry is alive task.
Let's take a look at something first.

A lady (married) and a guy(I think he is single) who are coworkers were discussing something in their office.

The lady was talking about her friend who is a single mother and her behavior towards her children.

She's a single mother of two boys, one seven years while the other eleven years old.
She always leaves them with a granny who isn't related to her to care for them, while she stays alone.

Initially, her excuse was her job because she mostly works night shift.
Then currently, she is working towards finding a partner.
Her reasons for keeping her kids away is, most men she meets cuts communication once they notice she's a single mother.

And this is doing a lot of harm to the children because they always complain and cry whenever she wants to send them to an unknown granny.

She has a younger brother who is willing to come live with her, which she refused because of the second excuse (finding a life partner).

Currently, she is planning of renting an apartment for her brother and her children to stay.

The two coworkers are totally against what the lady is doing.
The female coworker said she is tired of advising her, she only tells her to be careful.

While the male coworker said, and I quote

“not everyone must remain married, she tried marriage once and got hurt”.
Having two awesome boys to take care of should be her priority.

Which I strongly agree with the male coworker.
But human being are so complicated in their ways and the society doesn't help either.

Because I know of a single father who was eagerly wanting to marry before the year runs out.

His main reason is, people see him as an irresponsible man because he is not married.

Now back to Larry's task.
Ctpx ✅

Leadsleap ✅

Listnerd ✅

Thank you very much for stopping by my blog.

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