Larry Is Alive Contest : Day 54

Hello Amigos 😊

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I am here to share my hunt for Larry the postman after a while of absence 😁

Well, I mistakenly deleted my kiwi browser and, of course, all the locked tabs cleared.

Though, I started with other things with the App that kept me occupied and engaged.

I know Larry isn't happy I stayed this long before coming for a chitchat with him.

I was able to complete its task in one location, which is at Listnerds.

I couldn't login to Ctpx and leadsleap.
It was continuous error and problems with keychain when I tried to log in.
Hopefully, I will be able to successfully login next time, for now, I will have to stop with just one location because I am running out of time.

This is also for me to participate in topic, which is all about finding Larry.

Thank you very much for stopping by my blog 😊😁

See you again in the next hunt for Larry the postman.

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