I Bought The FAFY Lifetime Diamond OTO... And Went On The Rounds With #Larry


I've been a bit quiet for a few days as I've mainly focused on building out some training modules on my Conversion Catalyst mastermind that train members to work with marketing funnels.

Marketing Funnels Marketing Funnels

At the same time, I've been building two related marketing funnels which are the topics of the Conversion Catalyst training modules.

One marketing funnel promotes Livegood on the backend using the Prosperity Marketing System and Leadsleap to build the funnel and email follow-up.

The second marketing funnel is aimed at people who are ALREADY Livegood affiliates and shows them how to create a "backend marketing funnel" to promote Livegood, which is Funnel number 1! (I blogged about it here a few days ago.)

Yes, it can get quite complex setting up the two funnels AND the training and sharecodes so people can set up their own backend marketing funnel for Livegood (or adapt it to whatever their primary program is).

Jeff Aman Launches The Easy Commission Funnel

I've also been waiting for my marketing mentor, Jeff Aman, to make the first version of his marketing funnel, Easy Commission Funnel available to his Livegood team, and today was the day when he made it available.

So I dropped my plans to make videos for my own funnels so that I could set up and launch my version of Jeff's Easy Commission Funnel and pick up a few tricks to apply to my own funnels.

The Easy Commission Funnel promotes Livegood on the immediate backend, and also Leadsleap where the funnel is set up.

It was super-easy to follow Jeff's training videos and set up the funnel, so I spent the rest of the day promoting it on various safelists and traffic exchanges as well as via eight Leadsleap Pro ads.

Easy Commission Funnel Landing Page

Here is one of Jeff's Easy Commission Funnel landing pages I'm promoting:

30+ Subscribers So Far

The campaign has only been going for a few hours and so far 32 people have subscribed to my list and one has joined Leadsleap.

I'm using a Leadsleap rotator to rotate the three landing pages. On Leadsleap I use the same image but each of the eight ads has a different headline and text.

Guess which site is leading the charge...

Of course, it is Leadsleap by a long shot, and one of my 8 Leadsleap Pro ads, ll5, seems to be doing particularly well:

Screenshot 2023-03-21 9.20.51 PM.png

The breakdown of responders who actually opted in to my list shows the power of Leadsleap even more starkly:

ll5 = 15 subscribers
ll6 = 9
ll7 = 6
ll4 = 1
Leadsleap Total = 31 (2 are flagged "suspicious IP")
European Safelist = 1

TOTAL = 32

Earlier today I did my usual Leadsleap ad surf:

Screenshot 2023-03-21 10.08.28 PM.png

FAFY Lifetime OTO

I was checking out some sites for login ad prices and I happened to see the $77 Lifetime OTO when I logged in to FreeAdvertisingForYou.com. Knowing that FAFY has a good reputation and is part of the #LarryIsAlive challenge, I immediately bought the offer.

If you buy them from sites that have large, active memberships, Lifetime OTOs can be excellent value for money, so it's good to have added another one to my arsenal.

I did enough on FAFY today to send a solo ad... I wonder if it will deliver any subscribers by the time I wake up tomorrow morning...

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Traffic Ad Bar

Then I surfed Traffic Ad Bar for a bit and used the $1.20 commission I pick up each month to upgrade for a couple of days.Then I paused my other ads and launched Easy Commission Funnel to test the capture pages on one of the more responsive exchanges.

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Apart from that, I surfed CTPX and won some CTP, and surfed Listnerds and collected some CTP and LISTNERD tokens.

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And that concludes my #LarryIsAlive report for today.


David Hurley

P. S. Conversion Catalyst is a free Membership site where aspiring affiliate marketers and crypto accumulators can share their experiences, build synergistic networks, and hone their skills.

Join us @ https://llclickpro.com/conversion-catalyst/


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