RE: Alive & Thriving Friday : Planning for Rest This Weekend || AATYr5 || LarryIsAlive

Thank you for participating in the #larryisalive project and publishing a post in the Larry Is Alive community. Your post has been upvoted [From the perspective of Alive Power]. Keep up the good work :)



Around 11% of females develop an uncomplicated UTI every year. Of them, around 25% develop a second infection within the next 6 months! In short, rUTI is quite common in females! Usually, a course of prolonged antibiotics helps to prevent the recurrence. However, it has its demerits!

A vaccine (MV140 aka Uromune) is being developed by Inmunotek S.L., Spain. It's not an injection. The candidate needs to spray it under the tongue twice daily for 3 months! The study results are promising. The UTI recurrence rates in the study groups were markedly reduced! It's in phage 2-3 of development. It's already available in 26 countries under a special access program!

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