The awakening of Larry is Alive in Naples - contest #301 - July 7th 2023

Self made picture with the help of the free software

A nest of noisy swallows hosts a large brood of cubs. Noisy is their awakening at the first light of dawn. While everyone is sleeping in bed, two caring winged parents quickly provide large quantities of food to their voracious young.

For Larry their singing is effective more than a thousand alarm clocks also because his brain does not need bedside clocks and is able to activate two minutes before hearing the horrendous noise of the thunderous appliance.

After a hearty breakfast, followed by the toilet and shower here is our brave hero who goes on an active journey without delay.


Acre is the effect of the fresh air of the morning rich in humidity on the nostrils of the postman who sees the magical skyline of the futuristic Executive Center of the city that bears the name of Listnerds.

The amazing technological and financial enterprises still receive the paper mail of the industrious postman who does not know helps expression except that of the mocking smile of those who are ready to amaze you with his sarcastic jokes that make pale English humour and those formidable and enduring insights that always leave you dazzled.

Here his work passes quickly and quickly because his friends entrepreneurs know that he can not waste time and they always find themselves ready to welcome him in their rooms.

Here he delivered his ten letters and also anticipated some other letters to complete his weekly luggage.

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After his work in the first district he passed in the second stage and meanwhile distribute missives to 15 "1K Club bannerr ad".

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By clicking on this banner you can register using my "Referral Link"


From word to word our friend meet in front of the bars of "Traffic ad bar" in Piazza del Gesù in front of the wonderful spire of the Immaculate.

Obviously but time is running out and it’s time to distribute 26 clicks on as many sites and gets 5 hits.

Again, by reducing the window to half the screen I was able to make a more compact and visible proof image on Traffic ad bar.

By clicking on this banner you can register using my "Referral Link"


(Guglia dell'immacolata in Piazza del Gesù)

Our heroes choose to move to the wonderful historic center of the city of Naples headquarters of the department of "Infinity Traffic Boost".

Larry adores classical culture and in the milli historic buildings of the Middle Ages in the historic center finds many inspirations.

Meanwhile he delivers 10 clicks on as many sites to continue the mission of "Larry is alive".

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