What is a good Sunday? | Larry's Hunting Report - Sunday, June 16, 2024

What is a good Sunday for you? For me, it's simple... A lazy day starts with going out and having lunch outside. After lunch, I get a massage in Sakura Reflexology. The place also has a good vibe to clear customer's mind.

Sakura Reflexology Feet Cleaning Area
*The only area that I can capture a photo

Get a good person who knows what he's doing before I need to talk my complaint. 90 minutes passed and my body felt refreshed again, especially my back. I do everything most of the time in front of a computer. Well, my back is in pain with a long sit 😂. No matter how much rest and move, it'll come someday.

After that, do some groceries because tomorrow is Eid Al-Adha. Most of the traditional shops and markets are closing for 2 days. Go home and I'm back to work. Sold the quota for today faster than usual. I think it's because tomorrow is Eid Al-Adha and children are spending their money playing all day. This is a good day for me. Massage + Daily sale quota meets with a short amount of time + More sleeping time 🤣. I hope you enjoy your Sunday like I do. Have a nice day!

The #LarryIsAlive contest

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Leadsleap + TrafficAdBar + FreeAdvertisingForYou + InfinityTrafficBoost

Hunting report!

  • Leadsleap
    Requirement: View 10 ads
    Status: Done
    Result: View 32 ads
  • TrafficAdBar
    Requirement: View 25 websites
    Status: Done
    Result: View 30 websites
  • FreeAdvertisingForYou
    Requirement: Finished 10 of any Ads listed
    Status: Done
    Result: Finished 6 out of 6 available tasks.
  • InfinityTrafficBoost
    Requirement: Surf 10 Pages
    Status: Done
    Result: Surf 100 Pages.

For those who would like to try, you can click on the banner below to redirect you to the websites with my reference link 👍





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