Larry Is Alive 23 April 2024: I Am Alive Challenge

Hello everyone and warm welcome to my Larry hunt for tuesday, the 23rd day of April, 2024. Oh what a hapless Chelsea. I think Arsenal has made a strong statement over their title challenge as they have now moved 3 points clear at the summit of the EPL table with their (5-0) drubbing of Chelsea. Let's see how the other title contenders will react

Larry then veers off to have a look at today in #history.

Larry begins his look at today in history from Eritrea. He finds out that on this day in 1993, after decades of foreign occupation and war, the small East African country of Eritrea began three days of voting on a referendum to declare its independence from Ethiopia.

From Eritrea, Larry goes to Russia. He finds out that on this day in 2007, Boris Yeltsin, the first popularly elected leader in Russian history, died at the age of 76 in Moscow, Russia. He led Russia through a turbulent decade of political and economic retrenchment before resigning on the eve of the year 2000.

From Russia, Larry goes to the USA. He finds out that on this day in 1998, James Earl Ray, the convicted assassin of Martin Luther King Jr., died in jail at the age of 70.

From the USA, Larry goes to Germany. He finds out that on this day in 1858, Max Planck, the German physicist who developed quantum theory, was born in Kiel.

From Germany, Larry goes to England. He finds out that on this day in 1616, William Shakespeare, a poet, dramatist, and actor, often known as England's national poet died in Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire, England. Many consider him the greatest dramatist of all time.

Finally, Larry rounds off his look at today in #history from Russia. He finds out that on this day in 1906, Russian Tsar Nicholas II issued the Fundamental Laws, which signified the end of unrestricted despotism but fell short of the reforms promised by the October Manifesto.

Having seen all these pieces of historical events, Larry zooms off to begin his daily deliveries.

Let's now move over to the hunt for Larry...

Larry the postman as usual went about his duties delivering mails and am sure you know you can also get paid for just finding him. On my path, I hunted and found Larry in one place, that is, at Leadsleap.


I did not hunt Larry the postman here today. But I'll do so by tomorrow.


For my hunt for Larry at Leadsleap, I viewed the required ads to complete the task. Here is my proof too.


I didn't hunt for Larry the postman here today. But hopefully ill hunt him tomorrow.

You too can also join us at CTPX with my referral link and win in the various hourly drawing.

That's all for now so keep hunting for Larry the Postman and am sure you will definitely get paid.

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