
Hola mís amigos de esta gran comunidad Hive, en especial a Micrófono 🎤 abierto, nos encontramos en la semana #155 con la temática ADN. Está convocatoria fue escogida por @stickupboys artista destacada y compañero, un saludo para el.

Está canción que voy a interpretar la cual se llama o lleva por título "VIEJO", me parece lógico para esta semana ya que por ende los hijos llevamos la transmisión de los genes sanguíneo de nuestros padres los cuáles son transmitidos de generación en generación y de esto trata está hermosa Canción.

Está me llega mucho al alma y corazón ❤️ porque tuve dos buenos genes sanguíneo que me fueron transmitidos por medio de mi madre y mi padre, pero tuve dos papas mi amado Carlos Teodoro Linares Betancourt (abuelo materno) y mi amado Eduardo Salazar (mi padre amado el que me engendro) ambos fueron un gran ejemplo de padres abnegados a criarnos con los buenos valores y enseñanzas. El saber que por mis venas corren sus genes me siento orgullosa porque soy su vivo ejemplo de honradez honestidad sinceridad lealtad y sobre todo ese amor que nos caracteriza a nuestra familia y uno de sus grandes genes es el de cantar ya que ambos eran cantantes uno de tangos mi gran abuelo y el otro cantaba parrandas mi bello papá, por eso trasmito aquí sus enseñanzas vocales.

Sin más que decir, aquí mi entrada un lindo tema que canta Luis Silva pero está es mi versión acapella.

Disculpen lo malo, mil gracias y bendiciones para todos mis amigos y compañeros de Hive Open Mic.


Hello my friends of this great Hive community, especially at Mic 🎤 open, we are in week #155 with the DNA theme. This call was chosen by @stickupboys featured artist and partner, greetings to him.

This song that I am going to interpret which is called or has the title "OLD", it seems logical to me for this week since therefore the children carry the transmission of the blood genes of our parents which are transmitted from generation to generation and from This is about this beautiful song.

This touches my heart and soul ❤️ because I had two good blood genes that were transmitted to me through my mother and father, but I had two parents, my beloved Carlos Teodoro Linares Betancourt (maternal grandfather) and my beloved Eduardo Salazar (my father loved the one who fathered me) both were a great example of parents devoted to raising us with good values ​​and teachings. Knowing that his genes run through my veins makes me feel proud because I am his living example of honesty sincerity loyalty and above all that love that characterizes our family and one of his great genes is to sing since both were singers one of tangos my great grandfather and the other sang parrandas my beautiful dad, that's why I transmit here his vocal teachings.

Without further ado, here is my entry on a beautiful song sung by Luis Silva but this is my acapella version.

Sorry for the bad, many thanks and blessings to all my friends and colleagues at Hive Open Mic.


"VIEJO" // "OLD"

Bajo tus se cienes se alumbraron tantos años
Que acumularon tu honrades y tu teson
Y en tu cabeza canas blancas maduraron
Tan expriencia que quiciera tener yo
Muy orgullosos de ser hijo de tu extirpe
Vengo a cantarte con el arpa esta cancion
Por que eres roble sombredor de mi figura
Y has cobijado con amor y con ternura
La fe constante que tu tutela medio

Viejo eres mi viejo mi sangre como tuyo grito yo
Yo soy parte de tu carne de tu vida y tu vigor
Quiero alegrar tus ojeras ya buscadas por el sol

Viejo como pudiera pagarle tanta dicha que sembro
En el arbol de mi infancia que con su sombra crecio
Hoy me arulla la fragancia que su esencia me dejo. Viejo

Yo se que soy viejo querido su esperanza
Y se que soy un arbolito que sembro
Sobre la tierra de su amor y su añoransa
Bajo la sombra de su vida y su valor
Por eso yo que soy el potro de sus años
Que concariño a su manera me formo
Voy atrochar por la sabana de su empeño
Y galopante demostrar que usted es el dueño
De este caballo que es tan bueno corredor

Viejo eres mi viejo mi sangre como tuyo grito yo
Yo soy parte de tu carne de tu vida y tu vigor
Quiero alegrar tu ojeras ya buscadas por el sol

Viejo como pudiera pagarle tanta dicha que sembro
En el arbol de mi infancia que con su sombra crecio
Hoy me arulla la fragancia que su esencia me dejo. Viejo (bis)



Under your hundreds so many years were lit
That accumulated your honors and your tenacity
And on your head white gray matured
Such an experience that I would like to have
Very proud to be the son of your extirpe
I come to sing this song to you with the harp
Because you are an oak shader of my figure
And you have sheltered with love and tenderness
The constant faith that your guardianship means

Old you are my old my blood as yours I scream
I am part of your flesh of your life and your vigor
I want to brighten up your dark circles already sought by the sun

Old as I could repay him so much happiness that I sow
In the tree of my childhood that grew with its shadow
Today the fragrance that its essence left me lulls me. Old

I know I'm old dear your hope
And I know that I am a little tree that I plant
On the land of his love and his yearning
Under the shadow of his life and his worth
That's why I am the colt of his years
That with affection in his way I formed
I'm going to atrochar through the savannah of his commitment
And galloping show that you are the owner
Of this horse that is such a good runner

Old you are my old my blood as yours I scream
I am part of your flesh of your life and your vigor
I want to brighten up your dark circles already sought by the sun

Old as I could repay him so much happiness that I sow
In the tree of my childhood that grew with its shadow
Today the fragrance that its essence left me lulls me. old (encore)

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