Hive Open Mic Week 59 - Love of my life (Cover)


Love of my life

Although I have always liked Queen's repertoire and particularly Freddy Mercury's voice and style, I don't think the idea of performing a song by this band ever crossed my mind.

However, and as I always say, Hive is a permanent challenge for me and there is no proposal that I let go easily. A few days ago the user @ ubay0077 invited me to sing this song and the truth is that I was surprised and scared by the challenge. But at least I had to try it, even if I published it or not I had to try it. So I did and I think it didn't turn out so bad. For this reason I decided that this would be my entry for the Hive Open Mic in its 59th week.

So, even though I'm coming in at the last minute.... here I am with this beautiful song, Love of my life!


Aunque siempre me ha gustado el repertorio de Queen y particularmente la voz y el estilo de Freddy Mercury, creo que nunca en mi vida pasó por mi mente la idea de interpretar un tema de esta banda.

Sin embargo, y como digo siempre, Hive es un reto permanente para mí y no hay propuesta que yo deje pasar fácilmente. Hace unos días el usuario @ubay0077 me invito a interpretar esta canción y la verdad es que me sorprendió y me asustó el reto. Pero al menos yo debía intentarlo, aunque lo publicara o no debía intentarlo. Así lo hice y creo que no salió tan mal. Por esta razón decidí que esta sería mi participación para el Hive Open Mic en su semana 59.

Así que, aunque estoy llegando a última hora... ¡aquí estoy con este hermoso tema, Love of my life!

This was the comment left by @ubay0077 ! | Este fie el comentario que dejó @ubay0077

Backing track by Your Voice and Guitar


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