Hive open mic 121: "Amor de Familiar" Iwan fals- KEMESRAAN - by Wien-art

Hi friends of hivers around the world, how are you all, meet again with me @Wien-art and I hope you are always healthy and have more success in this open mic hive community.

Well, all my friends, I just finished my assignment for this Sunday, Week 121 with the theme "Amor de Familia" I am very happy with this theme because I really miss my family who are far away and hopefully given a long healthy life, amen.

Well this time I tried to cover a song called "Kemesraan". this song was popularized by famous Indonesian musicians Iwan fals I chose this song because it fits this week's theme very well, the process of making videos I still use recordings using the android that I have because I don't have adequate facilities or tools, so I only use my Android phone, please understand if the results are not good, then
for music, I can't play the guitar perfectly so I tried to accompany this song by recording guitar notes on YouTube which provides karaoke acoustic music then I tried to enter the song's tone from my own voice, until it's finished,
For experience. I am still in the learning stage and trying my best to sing better, in singing I still lack a lot and need guidance from the vocal master on this open mic, with this community we can share knowledge with each other, and I am very enthusiastic to participate in this musical art entertainment because the art of music is one of my hobbies in the entertainment world,

Here's the lyric
Suatu hari
Dikala kita duduk ditepi pantai
Dan memandang ombak dilautan yang kian menepi

Burung camar terbang
Bermain diderunya air
Suara alam ini
Hangatkan jiwa kita

Sinar surya perlahan mulai tenggelam
Suara gitarmu
Mengalunkan melodi tentang cinta
Ada hati
Membara erat bersatu
Getar seluruh jiwa
Tercurah saat itu

Kemesraan ini
Janganlah cepat berlalu
Kemesraan ini
Inginku kenang selalu
Hatiku damai
Jiwaku tentram di samping mu
Hatiku damai
Jiwa ku tentram

Sinar surya perlahan mulai tenggelam
Suara gitarmu
Mengalunkan melodi tentang cinta
Ada hati
Membara erat bersatu
Getar seluruh jiwa
Tercurah saat itu

Kemesraan ini
Janganlah cepat berlalu
Kemesraan ini
Inginku kenang selalu
Hatiku damai
Jiwaku tentram di samping mu
Hatiku damai
Jiwa ku tentram

Kemesraan ini
Janganlah cepat berlalu
Kemesraan ini
Inginku kenang selalu
Hatiku damai
Jiwaku tentram di samping mu
Hatiku damai
Jiwa ku tentram

This song tells about an intimate life with someone we love. and in this life, everyone longs for intimacy together. everyone wants this intimacy don't pass quickly, it's really peaceful and peaceful when we are together,
Maybe that's all I can share, hopefully it will be useful for all of us, amen... success always hive open mic.

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