Hive Open Mic 174 - "Only Hope By Mandy Moore" Cover

Hello Hive Open Mic community and my fellow music singers!
It's another week with a beautiful theme and I'm happy to be here once again to share my song cover for the selected theme by our spotlight artist @gloriaolar

I love the inspiration I got through this theme and I can only thank our spotlight artist for choosing it, to think that I just saw a movie this song was sang in and I saw the theme, I concluded immediately that I'll learn the song for this theme.

Image designed here

I'm so excited to be here with the cover of the song titled "Only Hope" by "Mandy Moore" from the movie "A Walk To Remember" for the theme of this week "Beacon of Light".

The movie is an old one and same goes with the song, but when I first listened to it, it was all new and amazing to my ears. The lyrics are so beautiful and inspiring as it reflects Hope, what I see as a beacon of light.

Imagine being in a dark place for long and a light comes through the window, hope is born, doesn't it?

I thought same too when I saw the theme and listened to this song. The lady sang the song so beautifully and a guy is inspired to become a better person as he watches her sing. The song is hope, it is love and it is inspiring to any who would let it be that way. I made a full review of the song here if you'd like to read it too.

Do listen to the cover and let me know what you think about it's connection to the theme and my presentation. I hope to see you all next week again in the next theme. I appreciate the support as always 💯

Song Lyrics

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