Hive Open Mic Challenge 192. Morning has broken - piano solo

Being grateful is like enjoying the simple tune of "Morning Has Broken." It's a good idea, especially in the busy holiday season, to take it slow and appreciate the things we often overlook—those precious parts of life that money can't buy.

Today, I'm grateful for my husband. He's hardworking and can handle anything. Whether it's making, fixing, or building, he's always there with his support and skills.

I'm also grateful for our wonderful twins. They bring a lot of love and fun into our lives, and I'm especially grateful that they're healthy. Every day with them is an exciting adventure full of laughter and new things.

I'm grateful for my own health too. To be able to go for a run every morning without any pain. This is a great way for me to get my daily dose of happiness and endorphins.

While we're all busy getting ready for Christmas and New Year, let's slow down for a bit. Let's notice the small things around us that money can't buy, and let's always be grateful for them. Life is like a beautiful song, and gratitude is the happy feeling that connects us to each special moment.

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