n Mic week #211 Respirar. Cover @leandri ❣️ Eres mi respirar ❣️

Feliz inicio de semana mi gente hermosa de @hiveopenmic , Dios le bendiga, ya estamos en la semana #211 y nos acompaña la pequeña de la casa @leandrys , ella les envia saludos , e incluso ha estado atenta y la comunidad, asi que para esta semana nos acompaña con este tema Eres mi Respirar Cancion de Ingrid rosario

Happy start to the week my beautiful people from @hiveopenmic, God bless you, we are already in week #211 and the little one of the house @leandrys accompanies us, she sends you greetings, and has even been attentive and the community, so stop This week he joins us with this song You are my Breathe Song by Ingrid Rosario

Con esta cancion le estamos demostrando a Dios la relación intima que tenmos con el y que gracias a el podemos sentir ese respirar que es nuestra fuente de vida
asi que con mucho cariño les compartimos esta cancion y Dios les bendiga

With this song we are showing God the intimate relationship we have with him and that thanks to him we can feel that breathing that is our source of life.
So with love we share this song with you and God bless you

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