Hive Open Mic | Week 101 | What's Up | Cover Ft. @Galih.Amenk

The Hive Open Mic has given me great experiences and excellent people and musicians who have become personal friends despite the great distances that separate us. Today's post is very special, as it is a great example of what I am talking about. The theme of the week 101 was chosen by the artist Galih Julius @galih.amenk from Indonesia, who is the guitarist that happily accompanies me in this video.

After several weeks we can finally present our cover of What's Up, which to my surprise coincides with the theme "Freedom of Expression" that my friend proposed, since this song is an ode to all those who are prisoners of themselves, of the situations they live, of the people around them; and calls us to ask "What's Up" while inviting us to express ourselves freely.

This rock composition is one of the most famous of all times and a reference of the music of the 90's decade. It was originally by Linda Perry, who performed it with her band 4 Non Blondes and was the great single from her album Bigger, Better, Faster, More, released in 1993. What's Up is one of those songs that over the years has become a legend that enamors every generation that knows it.

This time I have been very complicated to edit the video, but I think I have achieved an acceptable result with the Shotcut program, in addition, I use other editing tools for the content of this post as Audacity and PhotoDirector. My friend Galih took care of his own recording. Hoping that it will be to everyone's liking we say goodbye very happy to have been able to work together and hoping to repeat it always in search of perfection. Thanks to all of you, I send you a hug...

What's Up?

Twenty-five years
and my life is still,
I'm trying to get up
that great big hill of hope
for a destination.

I realized quickly
when I knew I should
that the world was made up
for this brotherhood of man
for whatever that means.

And so I cry sometimes
when I'm lying in bed
just to get it all out
what's in my head
and I, I am feeling
a little peculiar.

And so I wake in the morning
and I step outside
and I take deep breath
and I get real high
and I scream from the top of my lungs
What's going on?.

And I say, hey, yeah, yeah-eah
Hey, yeah, yeah
I said, hey! What's goin' on?.

And I sing, hey, yeah, yeah-eah
Hey, yeah, yeah
I said, hey! What's going on?.

And I try, oh, my God, do I try
I try all the time
in this institution.

And I pray, oh, my God, do I pray
I pray every single day
for a revolution.

And so I cry sometimes
when I'm lying in bed
just to get it all out
what's in my head
and I, I am feeling
a little peculiar.

And so I wake in the morning
and I step outside
and I take deep breath
and I get real high
and I scream from the top of my lungs
What's going on?.

And I say, hey, yeah, yeah-eah
Hey, yeah, yeah
I said, hey! What's goin' on?.

And I sing, hey, yeah, yeah-eah
Hey, yeah, yeah
I said, hey! What's going on?.

Twenty-five years
and my life is still,
I'm trying to get up
that great big hill of hope
for a destination.

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El Hive Open Mic me ha regalado gratas experiencias y excelentes personas y músicos que se han convertido en amigos personales a pesar de las grandes distancias que nos separan. El post de hoy es muy especial, ya que es un gran ejemplo de lo que les digo. El tema de la semana 101 fue escogido por el artista Galih Julius @galih.amenk de Indonesia, quien es el guitarrista que dichosamente me acompaña en este video.

Luego de varias semanas al fin podemos presentar nuestro cover de What's Up, que para mi sorpresa coincide con el tema "Libertad de Expresión" que mi amigo propuso, ya que esta canción es una oda a todos aquellos que están presos de sí mismos, de las situaciones que viven, de las personas que les rodean; y nos llama a preguntarnos "What's Up" al mismo tiempo que nos invita a expresarnos libremente.

Esta composición del rock es una de las más famosas de todos los tiempos y referencia de la música de la década de los 90's. Original de Linda Perry, quien la interpretó junto a su banda 4 Non Blondes y fue el gran sencillo de su álbum Bigger, Better, Faster, More, publicado en 1993. What's Up es una de esas canciones que con los años se ha convertido en una leyenda que enamora a cada generación que la conoce.

Esta vez se me ha hecho muy complicado la edición del video, pero creo que he logrado un resultado aceptable con el programa Shotcut, además, uso otras herramientas de edición para el contenido de este post como Audacity y PhotoDirector. Mi amigo Galih se encargó de su propia grabación. Esperando que sea del agrado de todos nos despedimos muy felices de haber podido trabajar juntos y esperando repetirlo siempre en búsqueda de la perfección. Gracias a todos, les mando un abrazo...

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