RE: HIVE OPEN MIC Week 127 (Theme - Tevazu/Humility): Cover Song "Mama Shabalala" by Johnny Clegg/Juluka

Thank you so much! I've just read your most recent post with tips on being a professional musician. Wow, it sounds like a very scary, risky undertaking, as well as a lot of work and stress! Luckily I enjoy my main career and find it meaningful (Engineering/Renewable Energy Development) and will want to keep doing it, even if my musical abilities do improve. I am starting to get the odd bit of money out of playing music when I find the time, which is a lovely bonus to a hobby I enjoy... but I am a naturally shy introverted person, and probably need more time to mentally prepare, and then recover from, each gig than a seasoned pro!

There is definitely a part of me that wants to support and appreciate the people who go all-in on music!

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