Hive Open Mic Week #64 "Simfoni Hitam" | Cover by @ipul27

Hola Hiveans! How's your day ? _
it's good to see you guys again on Hive Open Mic Community.

Songs with "Fantasy" themes are indeed multi-interpreted, and I believe that everyone have their own version. Sometimes fantasy can mean imagining something beautiful, but it can also show sadness.

And on this occasion, I would like to sing a song by Sherina Munaf entitled Simfoni Hitam or in English The Black Symphony.

Actually, I'm not sure this song will fit the theme or not, but I choosed this song to sing on this week's theme because for me, this song contains several elements that invite fantasy when listening to it, both from the musical instrument, the tone, as well as the lyrics. _

Just try to listen to the piano tinkling at the intro and the end of this song, for me personally, it made me feel like I was in a strange place in an instant, hehe _

This song tells the story of a person who fantasizes about having someone he loves, but that can't happen (impossible). He imagined that person was by his side, and with him always, but in reality, it was all just a dream (fantasy). He feels so sad that he finally sings his gloomy melodies.

Simfoni Hitam

Song by: Sherina Munaf
English translated lyrics:

In the silent night, I dream of you
I Imagined that we are together
But I always wonder
Do I exist in your dreams?

There is your name in my heart
Love and longing colliding into one
But I always wonder
Do I exist in your heart?

I've sung my gloomy melodies
I've told you my dark past
I've ignored my dreams and my ambitions
But why I'll never could touch your heart?

If only you were by my side
I'll give you everything

But I never stop wondering
Do you miss me?

I've sung my gloomy melodies
I've told you my dark past
I've ignored my dreams and my ambitions
But why I'll never could touch your heart?

Could you please listen to me for awhile?
Listen to my symphony
The symphony just for you

I've sung my gloomy melodies
I've told you my dark past
I've ignored my dreams and my ambitions
But why I'll never could touch your heart?

I've ignored my dreams and my ambitions
But why I'll never could touch your heart?

Original translated lyrics by:

Hope you guys love my performed, and see you on the next occasion _ Have a great day!

Love and Peace from me @ipul27 ✌🏻_

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