馃幍 Hive Open Mic - Special Invitation / Invitaci贸n Especial

Hive Open Mic ( #openmic ) is a global community working for world peace through a love of live music. Each week is a new invitation to express and connect.

馃幍 Hive Open Mic

Special Invitation / Invitaci贸n Especial


The 100th Hive Open Mic event is three weeks away, yay! To celebrate this major milestone, we're inviting all musicians to perform the same song for week 99. Beginning on Sunday, February 27, 2022, we will sing and play "Oh My Love" by John Lennon and Yoko Ono. Our vision is to honor the spirit of oneness, making music that unites us all as we make our stand for global harmony.

With this post, we provide a printable PDF sheet of lyrics (in English and Spanish) and a downloadable MP3 with an instrumental track to help you with your recording process. During your recording, we invite you to listen with headphones to this MP3, in order to ensure our recordings are all in harmony and in rhythm, so we can synchronize them into one presentation.

The end result will be similar to the song we co-created in week 72: "Simple Pretty Melody". This will give us something substantial for our 100th week. It will be a symbol of global harmony.

Hive Open Mic host @cabelindsay introduces Hive Open Mic #99.

Faltan tres semanas para el evento Hive Open Mic n煤mero 100, 隆s铆! Para celebrar este importante hito, invitamos a todos los m煤sicos a interpretar la misma canci贸n para la semana 99. A partir del domingo 27 de febrero de 2022, cantar谩 y tocar谩 "Oh Mi Amor" de John Lennon y Yoko Ono. Nuestra visi贸n es celebrar el esp铆ritu de unidad, haciendo m煤sica que nos una a todos mientras defendemos la armon铆a global.

Con esta publicaci贸n, proporcionamos una hoja de letras imprimible PDF (en Ingl茅s y Espa帽ol) y un MP3 con una pista instrumental para ayudarte con tu proceso de grabaci贸n. Durante su grabaci贸n, lo invitamos a escuchar con aud铆fonos este MP3, para asegurarnos de que todas nuestras grabaciones est茅n en armon铆a y ritmo, para que podamos sincronizarlas en una sola presentaci贸n.

El resultado final ser谩 similar a la canci贸n que co-creamos en la semana 72: "Simple Pretty Melody". Esto nos dar谩 algo sustancial para nuestra semana n煤mero 100. Ser谩 un s铆mbolo de la armon铆a mundial.

El curador de Hive Open Mic @jesuslnrs presenta Hive Open Mic #99.

You may recall a similar invitation on our 72nd week, when we created an incredible musical expression: Hive Open Mic #72: "Simple Pretty Melody". This experience brought our community closer together, building connections around the world. We hope to co-create something similar during our 99th weekly event, in order to present it for our 100th community concert. Our vision is to make music that unites us as all we stand together for global harmony

We will sing "Oh My Love" in English and Spanish for the 99th week. We're thankful to @betzaelcorvo for his original translation of this song: "Oh Mi Amor". Thanks to @mipiano and @jesuslnrs for their efforts to support the Spanish translation of this song, for clarity in meaning. Spanish-speaking members can look for a follow-up announcement to be published through this account later this week.

馃幍 Oh My Love / Oh Mi Amor

by John Lennon

"Oh My Love" is a song written by John Lennon and Yoko Ono, appearing on Lennon's Imagine album in 1971 (Wikipedia). This is the song we are invited to sing together for the 99th week. It is a song about experiencing love for the first time, seeing and feeling the love. Thanks to @betzaelcorvo, @jesuslnrs, and @mipiano for contributing to our Spanish version of this song.

"Oh Mi Amor" es una canci贸n escrita por John Lennon y Yoko Ono, que apareci贸 en el 谩lbum Imagine de Lennon en 1971 (Wikipedia). Esta es la canci贸n que estamos invitados a cantar juntos en la semana 99. Es una canci贸n sobre experimentar el amor por primera vez, ver y sentir el amor. Gracias a @betzaelcorvo, @jesuslnrs y @mipiano por contribuir a nuestra versi贸n en Espa帽ol de esta canci贸n.

Lyrics / Letra
Oh My Love [English]Oh Mi Amor [Spanish]
Oh my love for the first time in my lifeOh mi amor primera vez en mi vida
My eyes are wide openQue mis ojos se abrieron
Oh my lover for the first time in my lifeOh mi amor primera vez en mi vida
My eyes can seeQue mis ojos pueden ver
I see the wind oh I see the treesVeo el viento y los 谩rboles
Everything is clear in my heartTodo est谩 claro en mi coraz贸n
I see the clouds oh I see the skyVeo el cielo las nubes tambi茅n
Everything is clear in our worldTodo est谩 claro en nuestro mundo
Oh my love for the first time in my lifeOh mi amor primera vez que mi mente
My mind is wide openEst谩 abierta de par en par
Oh my lover for the first time in my lifeOh mi amor primera vez que mi mente
My mind can feelComenz贸 a sentir
I feel sorrow oh I feel dreamsSiento el anhelo siento el dolor
Everything is clear in my heartTodo est谩 claro en mi coraz贸n
I feel life oh I feel loveSiento la vida siento el amor
Everything is clear in our worldTodo est谩 claro en nuestro mundo
Details / Detalles

Tempo: 66 BPM
Tuning / Afinaci贸n: Standard / Est谩ndar
Chords / Acordes: C Bm Am G | Em Bm C G
Key: G

Resources / Recursos

MP3 - instrumental music file / archivo de musica instrumental
PDF - printable music sheet / partitura imprimible


97: Lost ---> 98: Conversaci贸n Con Dios ---> 99: Oneness ---> 100: Canta Conmigo


Join in. Enjoy! / 脷nete. 隆Disfruta!

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