Hive open mic/ week 154/ woman/ Mujer perjura/ Virulo/ Cover by @gilliatt

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Hello friends of #hive, week 154 of the hive open mic is here, with a theme that I personally like the most, Musical comedy, this week we will have the opportunity to enjoy the humor of the members and friends of #openmic.

As for me, as soon as I read what this week's theme was about, I remembered a song that I had always wanted to sing since I was young: "Mujer Perjura", by Cuban singer-songwriter Alejandro Garcia Villalón, "Virulo", who has been living in Mexico for a long time.

I had the opportunity to enjoy this theme at the Teresa Carreño Theater, and also at the Aula Magna of the Central University of Venezuela, where I was able to meet him and share a few hours in a discussion with "Virulo" himself.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I did recording it for this international #hiveopenmic stage.

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For the recording of this track I used Adobe udition software, and for its mastering I used Audacity.

For the recording of the video my partner's phone Redmi 9 T, (mine suffered a "catastrophic" accident and they are trying to repair it).

For video editing use Movavi 2020.

For English translation the tool: Deepl

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Video' Sources:

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Vídeo from Anand KZ in Pixabay

Vídeo from hary prabowo in Pixabay

Vídeo from Ewelina from Pixabay

Imagen from Stefan Keller in Pixabay

Vídeo from Ruslan Sikunov in Pixabay

Imagen from Michael Strobel in Pixabay

Imagen from Michael Strobel in Pixabay

Imagen from Dominik Karch in Pixabay

Imagen from Gerd Altmann in Pixabay

Vídeo from Joshua Woroniecki in Pixabay

Vídeo from FFproducciones in Pixabay

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Perjured woman

Lying woman who deceived me
with the burning eyes that you pierced into me,
shining like stars for my evil
and you had a glass eye.

You made me dream and my yearnings
became obscenely entangled in your hair
today that I know the truth I lost my calm
because at last I discovered
that you are bald.

I don't know what I'm going to do to forget about you
of your beautiful, smooth and perfumed skin
you lied to me, you lied to me, you lied to me
you are pure surgery.

As you were such a cruel perjured woman
that you also deceived me with your figure,
with your wide hips and with your breasts
that in the end turned out to be padding.

With your sensual mouth and your smile
my love went away like the breeze
in your perfect teeth died the spell
for at last they turned out to be false.

I could forgive you all this
but there's something I couldn't even if I wanted to
and that is that with your own name you would lie to me
we will both follow different paths
carrying our deserted hearts
destiny is like that, uncertain
farewell, farewell...


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