Openmic week (59) (Buena Vibra) (Buena Vibra) (Original Song) @colorcareer

Openmic week (59) (Buena Vibra) (Buena Vibra) (Original Song) @colorcareer

Hola amigos de hive !¿como estan?¡
El dia de hoy quiero compartir esta canción con todos ustedes ya que es una canción de mi originalidad, esta semana el tema de el open mic, fue de buena vibra e interprete este tema que para mi tiene mucha buena vibra y espero que le sea de su agrado.
Lo que llamamos buena vibra, es todo lo bueno de las cosas es decir, no solo mirar el lado negativo de todo sino, mirar siempre lo positivo es decir mirar el lado bueno y sacarle provecho.
tener buena vibra es algo muy especial pues, de lo que tenemos podemos dar y depende a lo que tengas el otro recibe, si tienes mala vibra, mala vibra darás, pero si tienes !BUENA VIBRA¡ eso darás.
Este tema me encanta, es derivado de el optimismo, es siempre ser positivo, algo que no puedo dejar de decir es que ser positivo no significa nunca estar triste sino todo lo contrario, en medio de la tristeza es donde actua com mucho as fuerza el ser positivo es decir la


Aqui les dejo la letra de esta canción, es algo corta pero es una importante y buena noticia.

traigo esta buena vibra es para ti, una buena noticia que te alegrara
traigo esta buena vibra es para ti, una buena noticia que te alegrara

Cristo viene pronto, viene a buscar, a buscar un pueblo, preparate ya
Cristo viene pronto, viene a buscar, a buscar un pueblo, preparate ya

vendrá en su nube a rescatar una bella criatura
vendrá en su nube a rescatar una bella criatura
vendrá en su nube a rescatar una bella criatura
vendrá en su nube a rescatar una bella criatura

Openmic week (59) (Buena Vibra) (Buena Vibra) (Original song) @colorcareer

Hello hive friends! How are you?
Today I want to share this song with all of you since it is a song of my originality, this week the theme of the open mic, it was of good vibes and I interpreted this song that for me has a lot of good vibes and I hope it is of your liking.
What we call good vibes is all the good things, that is, not only looking at the negative side of everything, but always looking at the positive is saying looking at the good side and taking advantage of it.
Having a good vibe is something very special because, from what we have, we can give and it depends on what you have, the other receives, if you have a bad vibe, you will give a bad vibe, but if you have! GOOD VIBRA, that you will give.
I love this theme, it is derived from optimism, it is always being positive, something that I cannot help saying is that being positive never means being sad but quite the opposite, in the midst of sadness is where the person acts very strongly. being positive is saying the


Here I leave the lyrics of this song, it is somewhat short but it is important and good news.

I bring this good vibe is for you, good news that will make you happy
I bring this good vibe is for you, good news that will make you happy

Christ is coming soon, he comes to seek, to seek a town, get ready now
Christ is coming soon, he comes to seek, to seek a town, get ready now

he will come in his cloud to rescue a beautiful creature
will come in his cloud to rescue a beautiful creature
will come in his cloud to rescue a beautiful creature
will come in his cloud to rescue a beautiful creature


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