🎵 “Small” (Original) - Live Music for Hive Open Mic 60

Hive Open Mic ( #openmic ) is a global community celebrating live music on Hive. Each week is a new event, encouraging musicians to share songs with an international audience.


Have you ever noticed that there are some places where your troubles seem to fade away? For me, the ocean shore is like that. My core memory of the ocean is the Oregon Coast, in the Pacific Northwest. There, we see a variety of environments: long stretches of brown sands, ancient forests that dip into the sea, volcanic cliffs, dunes... I've noticed that all my troubles seem small there, by the ocean.

Sometimes, when I'm facing heartaches in life, I venture to the ocean for healing. This gives me a new sense of perspective, because the ocean is unfathomably big, and by comparison I and my troubles seem smaller. I think that I let my ego get a little too big and heavy to handle, so it helps me to humble myself by seeing what is bigger and greater than me: the ocean, mountain, forest, storm, starry sky... I am so very small.

This song is prompted by this week's Hive Open Mic theme: "Broken Heart." Some of you know I am going through a separation, and facing some heaviness with this situation, and so I am taking care of my emotions with this song's good medicine. It puts things back into proper perspective for me, giving me healing when I'm hurting.

The other day, a friend named Nancy helped me to identify: "What lights me up?" She told me that maybe I needed to first identify what blacks me out. Hm, that's interesting. I think what blacks me out is my various ego trips. Maybe I feel sorry for myself because I'm comparing myself to other people. Maybe I feel sad because I'm flying solo at the moment. Maybe I feel grief because I miss my dad. In each of these trips, I can remedy the blackness by remembering my direct connection to source. That's what lights me up. Like a bonfire!


A new song, presented as a multitrack recording

I and my troubles are small
By the shores of the ocean colossal

I and my thunderstorms are small
Next to the forest enormous

Even my mountains immense
Bow to the sky infinite

Beneath the vastness of space
I am small on a planet so very small

All of the heaviness I hold
Lightens for my Mother holds me

All of the emptiness in my cup
Ends for my Father fills it up




Hive Open Mic - Week 60 is underway right now, with the current theme: “Broken Heart.” We introduce new themes every Sunday, inviting musicians to share a common current. Musicians always have full freedom to bring whatever music feels inspired in the moment. There is still time to jump in and enjoy this week's Hive Open Mic event!


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About Me

I am a star child, ultra-fly and down-to-earth. I am an artist, making films with Arise and songs with Cosmic Butterflies. My latest completion is a Rock album called "Colors Flying," to be released this Spring. My greatest achievement is my role as a rad daddy to three incredible kids.

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