🎵 “Mustang” (Original) - Live Music for Hive Open Mic 163

Hive Open Mic ( #openmic ) is a global community celebrating live music on Hive. Each week is a new event, encouraging musicians to share songs with an international audience.


Ahoy there, shipmates! Notice anything different about me? Aye, you've spotted it—the eye patch. But fear not, me hearties, 'tis naught but a swollen eyelid. A visit to the optometrist led to a few plucked eyelashes, and they reckon it'll heal itself. Arr, the pirate life chose me!

In the meantime, my friends are having a jolly good time cracking pirate jokes. It's a fine crew indeed, who help me see the humor in this situation. I reckon it's high time I laughed at myself. The blessings outweigh the battles. Just yesterday, I danced like I always do on Sunday mornings, eye patch and all! And two days ago, I attended a grief ritual, letting go of sorrows and howling like a banshee. Had to unbutton me shirt, so I could let out the wails even louder!

But enough of my tales of woe and revelry! This week's Hive Open Mic be all about the Passion for the Art. It's a timely reminder of the fire that fuels our artistic endeavors. I'm learning to harness my inner flame in creative ways. Takin' a break from matters of the heart, I'm focusing on integration, making time for myself. And if I were to choose a pirate name for myself in this here state, "Blackheart" would be as fitting. 🖤

So, me mateys, let's hoist the sails of creativity, let our passions run wild like a pack of mischievous merfolk. May we find joy in the face of adversity, and always remember to keep a hearty laugh close at hand. For the journey be long, but the treasures be plenty, and we be the swashbuckling heroes of our own stories. Yo ho ho!

How do pirates know that they are pirates? They think, therefore they "arrrr!" Remember, matey, laughter be the best treasure of all!


Mustangs must stay
Hidden away
Out in the wild country space

When we wild horses
Leave the mountains
We rarely return the same

I was a mustang
Until I left Wyoming

Cowboys and cow men
Saddle us down
Hammer nails into our hooves

Cowgirls cow women
Fence us in
And tell us where to go

I was a mustang
Until I left Wyoming

Broncos bet busted
Stallions get broken
Branded with hot iron
Braided like show ponies
Ridden in polo games
Horse races and rodeos

I was a mustang
Until I left Wyoming




Hive Open Mic - Week 163 is underway right now, with the current theme: “Pasión por el Arte". We introduce new themes every Sunday, inviting musicians to share a common current. Musicians always have full freedom to bring whatever music feels inspired in the moment. There is still time to jump in and enjoy this week's Hive Open Mic event!


Enjoy? Join in.

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