🎵 “Goodnight” (Original) - Live Music for Hive Open Mic 121

Hive Open Mic ( #openmic ) is a global community celebrating live music on Hive. Each week is a new event, encouraging musicians to share songs with an international audience.


This week's Hive Open Mic theme is: "Amor de Familia" (Love of Family), and the song I'm sharing is a lullaby I sing to my kids at night. For me, it is a special time in my life to sing this song, because I'm in nearing the completion of a drawn-out marriage separation, with relationship changes... and I'm in the middle of a long stretch of parenting as a single dad to three kids, while their mom is out in a retreat, taking care of herself.

Being on dad duty comes with some complexities as it relates to my relationships with friends and work, which feels burdensome, sometimes. Really, though, I'm totally blessed by these kids, and their wonderful way of being in the world. I am inspired by them daily, and I am learning constantly to be more patient, respectful, and kind. I am also grateful for my entrepreneurial role as a videographer and video studio owner, which gives me a lot of flexibility in my schedule, and plus I love the work.

Happy to say that I'm starting to feel lighter after transitioning through some challenging times in my personal life. During times of sorrow, I often find myself struggling with ego trips, thinking I need to carry the weight of the world on my shoulders. But really, I see the miracles happen when I let go of the worries and the hurry, connecting with the divine, who is infinitely giving.

As it relates to this song, I find comfort in connection with the divine family: Father, Mother, and Child, available to us all, always. In my way of understanding, we are all children of God. In another way of thinking, we are all spirits connected with the Great Spirit, also called Great Mystery by some and Holy Spirit by others. This connection is a pure source of peace for me, giving me sweetness in my waking life and in dreams.


Goodnight sweet dreams
You beautiful baby
Rest well with the stars
Little darling [child]
Hmm mmm mmm

Rest assured
Your Mother is here to hold you
Rest well knowing
Your Heavenly Father adores you [as you are]
Hmm mmm mmm

The shepherd is here
To guard you little lamb
The Lion of Judah loves you
Peace be with you [lion cub]
Hmm mmm mmm




Hive Open Mic - Week 121 is underway right now, with the current theme: “Amor de Familia" (Love of Family). We introduce new themes every Sunday, inviting musicians to share a common current. Musicians always have full freedom to bring whatever music feels inspired in the moment. There is still time to jump in and enjoy this week's Hive Open Mic event!


Enjoy? Join in.

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