🎵 “Good Morning Sun” (Original) - Live Music for Hive Open Mic 120

Hive Open Mic ( #openmic ) is a global community celebrating live music on Hive. Each week is a new event, encouraging musicians to share songs with an international audience.


As usual, I find relevance and timeliness in this week's Hive Open Mic theme: "Mi Felicidad" (My Happiness). Honestly, these past few weeks have been challenging for me, emotionally, so I've literally been checking in about my happiness. I think one of the primary factors in my struggle is the brutal summer heat, which feels much more intense than usual here in Austin, Texas. In fact, it feels oppressive.

It presents a real challenge for me, because I think the sunshine is a natural source of energy and joy, and yet is also burns like a fire, when it comes with such a strong force. I think a lot of things in life are like that: too much is overwhelming, overstimulating, overconsuming...

Doing my shadow work, aiming to illuminate the struggle here, I see that the sun is a source of my inspiration. I see the way it shines, and I want to shine. I see the way it creates life, and helps life to flourish and bloom. I want to do that too. Naturally there are consequences of my resistance to the sun. Maybe I can supplement it with extra vitamin D. Maybe I can look deeper into the reasons why the sun inspires me, and maybe I can find that inspiration elsewhere. Maybe it's time for me to embrace the space, the stillness, and the quiet of the night.

Last night, I laid awake in bed for hours. Why? I could've been up running around like a night owl, chasing rabbits, spelunking... But no, I just stayed in bed, wishing to be asleep. I guess I just felt like that was the responsible thing to do, to just commit to sleeping, even though my mind and body had other plans. Ah, I still have so much to learn. Anyhow, here's the song that sings me this week.

Good Morning Sun

Enters the sun
Onto the horizon
Rising with the children
Indigo blue

Enters a feeling
Of happiness I am
Receiving the blessing
Of sun energy

I am inspired
To echo the sun
Casting my sunbeams
Illuminating shadows

I am invited
To shine with all my might
Radiating light
In every direction

Viva to dawn
In the golden hour of morning
When the open eyes
Gaze upon the light

Good morning sun
Thank you for this new day
I believe
I am born again again




Hive Open Mic - Week 120 is underway right now, with the current theme: “Mi Felicidad" (My Happiness). We introduce new themes every Sunday, inviting musicians to share a common current. Musicians always have full freedom to bring whatever music feels inspired in the moment. There is still time to jump in and enjoy this week's Hive Open Mic event!


Enjoy? Join in.

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