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Hive Open Mic #122 - Almost Like Being in Love (Nat King Cole)

This week I'd like to share a little Jazz tune by Nat King Cole, which I love and which goes nicely with the theme "Emotion" by @sunsethunter.


Most people associate the more negative feelings with this theme, heartache, tears, but there are also happy feelings, love, sudden outbursts of joy and the list goes. I certainly am a person who gets excited about stuff quite easily, in a positive way that is!

It was therefore no surprise when a couple of weeks ago I burst out with joy, when I came across a video that explained fairly easily how to play walking bass lines on the piano and generally jazz things up a bit! I started playing and playing and playing, and yes, now I can't stop.. 😄

Some of you may know that I play guitar in our Swing band "Swing 42" and my friend @purplesinger is my inspiration when it comes to piano playing!

The Tune

I can't tell you, how excited I am, that I can play this tune on the keyboard! It's always been a favourite of mine and sure is full of emotion of the happy kind!

It's been stuck in my head ever since I first watched the film "Groundhog Day" where it features right at the very end when the credits roll in. "What a day it has been.. ", a great opening line for that final scene.

I have watched this film loads of times, my own little Groundhog Day, and although I'm not a great fan of Bill Murray, do I like the idea of the film as a whole and the fact that he gets to learn the piano in a supposedly short time!

Unlike him did it take me a lockdown and a bit to being able to play basic stuff at least. I am still amazed by it all, bearing in mind, that I'm not a youngster, who supposedly learns much faster..

I would honestly like to say to anybody who would like to do something new, just go for it!!

Picture of my DVD - 😄 DVD - so yesterday

I do hope, you like this one just as much as I love playing it!
Thank you, my friends!

The Lyrics

What a day this has been
What a rare mood I'm in
Why, it's almost like bein' in love

There's a smile on my face
For the whole human race
Why, it's almost like bein' in love

All the music of life seems to be
Like a bell that is ringing for me

And from the way that I feel
When that bell starts to peal
I would swear I was fallin'
Swear I was fallin'
Why, it's almost like bein' in love
Source: Google

All images by @anna-newkey