Hive Open Mic 188 - "RISE UP (Fly Like A Rainbow)" COVER

Hello to the fellow music lovers!, I hope you're all doing good in health and happiness.

It's a beautiful week to join hive openmic again with the beautiful theme "Fly and Dream" selected by one of the spotlight artist @yisusth

For some week have not be able to participate in the community live event but today, the theme Fly and dream actch my attention and I'm happy to present to you the cover of the song tittle: "Rise Up (Fly Like a Rainbow)" a song released by Larock in 2007.

I chose this song based on the lyrics that goes with my current situation, where I need to raise and chase my dream. This song "Rise Up" is a song with a beautiful meaning for anyone that feel down while chasing their dreams. I believe everyone have a dream but we caught up with different things that make us feel like give up during the process, but with this song you will feel motivated and raise up again. So join me as i present to you my entry for the week 188.




Rise up

Don't you fall down again
Rise up
It's time we break the chains
I tried to fly
No lie
So high

Direction: sky!

I tried to fly
No lie
So high
Up to the sky!
My dream is to fly
Over the rainbow, so high!

My dream is to fly

Over the rainbow, so high!
My dream is to fly
Over the rainbow, so high!
My dream is to fly
Over the rainbow, so high!


Rise up
We'll shake it well
Rise up
Makes me feel pain
'Cause I like to fly
No lie

So high

Direction: sky!
'Cause I like to fly
No lie
So high
Up to the sky
My dream is to fly
Over the rainbow, so high!
My dream is to fly
Over the rainbow, so high!
My dream is to fly
Over the rainbow, so high!
Rise up, rise up, rise up, rise up
Above the rain-
Rise up, rise up, rise up, rise up
For my mind and my brain
I tried to fly
No lie
So high
Up to the sky
My dream is to fly
Over the rainbow, so high
My dream is to fly
Over the rainbow, so high
My dream is to fly
Over the rainbow, so high
My dream is to fly
Over the rainbow, so high
Eh! lyrics source

Stay positive always!

▶️ 3Speak

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