
A couple of years ago, I started looking through job opportunities. I was in my second year at the university and the only reasonable experience I had "working" was babysitting my nephews. Well, I didn't exactly write it as babysitting my nephews, it was more like "Childcare Expert with a 1year experience". I thought it was so cool.

I never got a job. I never even applied for a job.

Unfortunately, I'm 3 years out of university this year. And I've still never applied for a job.

This doesn't mean I have no work experience. I've worked in 3 places. Currently working at my third.

I currently have over 3 years of work experience.
And I recently made it up to 4 years of Volunteering and 2 years of freelancing.

I'm pretty equipped for the labour market, don't you think?

Well, no. Not here I'm not.

I never apply for jobs. I get recommended.
People who know what I'm capable of inviting me for informal interviews, I start working and submit my CV a few weeks later.

My current workplace has been a drag.
I work as a front desk officer at a picture production studio.
I'd like to say that I've learnt a lot by working here, but nahhhh.

It sucks big time.

The workplace started as being conducive. We had an air-conditioned office and a conducive toilet.

Then the ACs got bad and the pipes in the toilet got broken.
The owner has completely refused to get either of these things fixed.

We work from 8 am until 6 p.m., by the way.
And our customers know very little about personal was supposed don't get me started about salaries.
I started working in February on probation. My pay at the end of the 2 weeks was supposed to be 7,500 nairas. That's less than $20.

Even that was delayed until the middle of March.

Now March's over. And the CEO decides to " make us suffer" for not making him a profit of half a million naira in March.

I comfortably write this because today happens to be my last day working there.

I needed a little bit of push to give up and leave.

That's my Work experience.

I still do freelance writing. And I just recently updated my Fiverr gigs.

Working for others has never been favourable to me.
Asides from the time I worked at the radio station.

There, I set my work hours and decided if showing up was relevant or not.

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My name is Karina and I'm a face on Hive.

I'm a Nigerian,
A front desk officer,
A writer of short stories, and
A part-time editor.

I love reading.
I'm currently reading 'Anxious People' by Fredrick Backman.

I write for fun and pay.

I'm the last child of 8 children and I'm 23 years old.

I have a few gigs on Fiverr that I'll share once I get them edited.

Here's my recent story
Dawn -


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