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My Random Bouts of Happy

Today was quite overwhelming so this is a good topic to write about, it might just keep away the unhappy thoughts writing about what makes me happy. I don't know what angle to take it from so I'll go with the simple, random things.


Physical Affection

It makes me happy when I get hugs, hold hands or just 'gum body' in general. I didn't have a lot of those growing up except from my brother and now it's something that gets me all warm inside. You never know how much you lacked something until you start getting it. I'm excited at the thought of showing my future babies physical affection, kissing their cheeks and giving long hugs even when they're teenagers and I embarrass them in front of their friends.


There's a couple books I bought but never read and I don't own them anymore. It's my guilty pleasure to buy fiction, stack them up and stare at them in the middle of the night. Books make me happy and take me on trips when I read them.

Helping Out

I like it when people are confident enough in me to believe I can pull through for them. Like, you believe me like that to seek advice from me? My opinion brings a new perspective that makes you feel better? Wow. Lol. It's elating I tell you!

Retail Therapy

Most times I don't know what to do with money but then if I have a bad day and I got some cash, I'm going to buy shit that would make me feel really happy. Who says money doesn't buy happiness again?


I bet I read my posts here more than anyone else does. You know there's a feeling that comes with knowing you made something and it's yours. I fawn over my creations like that. I can make the most basic pieces on my sewing machine and it'd give me so much joy because it came from my hands. Getting a new recipe right puts a huge smile on my face too.


My plants are at the front door and at least twice a day I take a peep at them from the window. They're very relaxing to look at and grooming them has been a joy giving experience even if there's a particular one betraying me. I'm glad I went this route of being a plant mum and it's been sweet caring for another living thing.

One thing that's peculiar with indoor people like myself is how they find joy in the mundane and these are a few of mine.

This is my entry to this week's Hive Naija contest question, WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY?