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Who Would You Be? What If I Could Be Denzel

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"find someone who had a life that you want and figure out how they got it. Read books, pick your role model wisely. Find out what they did and do it"

Growing up was tough, but was also great fun. We never had enough but we coped beautifully well. Pops was the go to guy for virtually all our needs. In him we saw hope and love. Then, each time he comes back home, no matter how dull the day has been, his presence lights up everything. Calling him a superman wouldn't be out of place. He was the best dad any child would ask for.

Through the eyes of a child, I really wanted to be like him. Talk, care, love like him. But growing up and a lot more matured, perception and opinions changed. Ageing changes a lot of things, especially your preferences. So would I want to be him for one day? Hmmm, maybe not.


You see, the opinion you had as a child tend to change as you grow older. You begin to see things from a different lens. You get influenced by a lot of things. You see things from a different standpoint. What really mattered then seems not to matter so much now. How you see people changes, like wise your opinion about them.

Like I earlier said, my dad played a sterling role in all of our lives. I have nothing but admiration and love for him. But if you ask me, I would rather be someone else. For some reasons I would love to mirror someone else's life. And who might that be?

Getting to maturity, you get to see and experience a lot of things. So many things influences you. The way you talk, the way you walk, your way of reasoning. All of this could be as a result of how you see one person.

I have so many people as a role model. This are people I look up to. I have followed them to learn a great deal from them. Among all of this people, one of them stands out for me. He is no other person than the legendary Denzel Washington, the American actor. Thete was a point in my life I nearly changed my name to Denzel,lol.


For those who don't know(is there any? )Denzel Washington is an American actor, a legend to put it in proper perspective. So many other great actors and people look up to him. He has won so many awards for his performances on and off the screen. He is an epitome of excellence. Apart from his acting, his personal life has been beautiful.

From a much younger age I have been addicted to his movies,and as I grew older, his total personality made me love him the more. Its for a reason I told myself my first son will bear the name Denzel. I have not changed that decision.

I have watched virtually all of his movies, some repeatedly, especially, Malcolm x, Antwone Fisher and John Q. The thing is, which of his film is their not to like?

Some time last year, the American army made him a honorary officer for his all of the things he has done for the society. While presenting the award, an officer said Denzel represented everything they were looking for, humility, dedication, respect, service to humanity, you name it. He has and is still living truly an exemplary life.

If I have the chance, I would give it everything to be him. Not just for one day but for always.

I remember going to surulere everyday to participate in movie auditions, just because I want to act like Denzel Washington. At a point I even thought I looked like him,lol. Call it obsession, you won't be totally wrong.

He is a great man and embodies everything I would love to be. So without thinking twice, I would love to be Denzel if Hive naija can make it happen.