
You came into my life as a senior but as time goes on because of your beauty and attitude I fell for you even if you are senior to me but as I started getting closer to you and bonding to you, I realized that the attraction I felt towards you was because of how I wished you were my elder sister...

But what happened?? You left me too soon and left me with just your memories, since the day you left, I have always missed everything about you, even on your birthdays I remember you always and wish for the best for you because you are apart of me...

You correct me, chastise me, love me, checked up on me throughout our time together, anytime I offend you, you ignore me until I realize my mistake and apologize, this things strengthen my bond with you that I took you in as my other sister ...


But death took you away too soon and I am only left with your beautiful and precious memories and the times we spent together since our school days and even after school...

There are times when I sit down and think about having the power to raise the dead, even when I know it is not possible, the pain of loosing you still dwells in my heart even till today but what kept me going was the beautiful memories you and I had ......

Thanks to @hive-naija for this week's beautiful topic, though it made me quite emotional but I love it because it makes me feel like I am sending you a letter and you are reading it...


The blue pill will always be my first pick not the red pill, this means I get to bring back a loved one from the dead and the red pill grants me an everlasting life....

I would prefer raising a loved one from the dead and there is nothing like everlasting life to me, there are lots of people who would go with everlasting life but I would rather choose the Blue pill and bring you back so that we can be together as we were once together...

Everyday I miss your face, words, chats and your being, I will would love to have another chance of being with you, it might look like I am selfish and only thinking about myself, yes I want you in my life and seeing you here will make me happy even If I have to be self centered...


Everlasting life won't pay me as I will witness all my loved ones dieing once again in front of me while I get to live for generations and generations to come, imagine giving birth and your children died and left you on earth, is that something to be happy about???.

Parents pray they should be buried by their children, what happens when a child is being buried by his parent and that is why I will go with the blue pills where I get to experience the joy and happiness of seeing you again...

You are one person that I will never forget because of the connection we had and now having you will be happiness for me and then you can get a second chance...

Just thinking about this makes me emotional and sad because I miss you and all the things about you in my life, I have a lot of things to tell you but there is no way to share it with you because you aren't around...

I miss you and I will pay a million to have you here again in this world...


In summary, the blue pills will always come first before the red pill and that is you First before the red pills.

In conclusion, I just want you to know how much I miss you and I hope you have the best life wherever you are .💔💔💔💔💔💔

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