Age Is Just A Number.

Photo by Innoh Khumbuza:

Relationships are sometimes a sensitive topic which when we engage In at times arguments abound and different viewpoints diverge. The topic of this week's prompt, the idea of age differences is one that brings up arguments and different viewpoints that frequently arouses emotion.

So the topic of this week's discussion is "Is age just a number?".

Hmm tricky question, but lucky me I've had to experience such to have an answer and trust me my answer is based on my experience. Look, I can boldly affirm with certainty that age should not or never be a determining factor in a relationship's success because If you really believe in the power of love and unique experiences you'll know that truly love is blind. You really don't know where or who it's taking you to next even after a broken and heart shattering relationship.

So to be honest, age is just a number with love. Infact presently, I'm dating someone who is older than I am right now, and I am beating my chest and saying that the connection I have presently is way deeper than anything I've ever experienced in the past.

I'll try to use my post to explore some of those core connections I've felt presently.

For me in any relationship emotional comprehension is of utmost priority or importance in my world of relationships. So presently I feel age is not a determining factor in one's ability to connect deeply. But there's a high side to it with the older ones. Because when dating or getting married to an older person, their wisdom and experiences in life might act as a direction, pointing both parties in the direction of emotional intelligence. Somehow, they've experienced life more than you so they're wiser to avoid conflict and embrace peace. They're supportive and mature.

Also I noticed that older individuals tend to have a better understanding of their emotions and are generally more emotionally mature. If they tell you they love, believe me you'll see it in their actions,they find it hard to hide how they feel about a person or partner. I believe this is because they may have developed better communication and conflict resolution skills, which can contribute to healthier and more fulfilling relationships.

Not just that there's this less drama with older partners. Because they feel to have outgrown the stages of immaturity and insecurities which are much associated with the younger age bracket. Presently, I had a relationship with less drama. Older people are more focused on building a meaningful connection in life based on mutual respect and understanding than building more problems.

See eh, age difference may be wrong in some cultures, but being honest with ourselves compatibility is not and can never be determined by age. Any perceived age gap can be crossed by sharing similar interests, goals, and aspirations. When in life you begin to connect with someone who shares the same beliefs and aspirations like you and the sparks of love begin to show the way forward you'll notice that age difference will automatically become irrelevant to you. Then that's love calling.
Relationships that stand the test of time should be developed by concentrating on what really matters like the fusion of your soul's personalities, aspirations, and ideals.

I'm not trying to write-off any possible problems in these kinds of relationships. Of Course every relationship has its ups and downs but for me I feel age is really just a number with love. So with this few points of mine I believe I've been able to convince but not confuse you that age is just a number with love.

This is a contest on Hivenaija. Feel free to join.

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