Every single moment - Filming should not be prioritized

All thanks to technology, tapping devices are there to hear you by day and spy cams see you by night. You can never be too sure of what you have in your home or office. Bugs can also be planted on people's phones which makes it easy to place surveillance on people.

Is this a good thing or not?

Before you draw a line on your answer, I would like to remind you that a lot of troublemakers have been punished in the past and a lot more will be caught, disgraced and served a deserved punishment in the future after being caught on tape by these surveillance gadgets.

Aside from the serious stuff, I also get a couple of video recommendations on my YouTube with titles like 'funny moments caught on camera' and 'Nice deeds caught on CCTV'. Watching those stuff on a good day can be a good icing on the day itself.

From one good stuff to another good recommendation and the watchlist continues. I have to say that this is the magic of YouTube. They've got a lot of good stuff there until you get to the 'weird ones'.


Can you guess how weird they are 😳

Let's be hypothetical:

Imagine a scenario where people prioritize standing, filming and screaming 'OMG' in an accident scene instead of attempting to rescue the victims or, at least, call 911.

In case you are still unaware, this is exactly the world we live in. A crazy world where every single moment has to be filmed. C'mon, the rate people bring out their toys (phone, camera, name it) to film occurrences is kinda weird.

Instead of attempting to make good use of the golden hour after an accident, many videos on the internet has proved that some people are rather interested in filming and posting such footage on socials. All for the clicks, likes, views and cheap fame.

Yeah, it is what it is. Disgusting!

Let's get something clear.

I love techs and I love videos, but we've all got to toss the Cams aside and 'help' when it's required.

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